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"josh?" his mother called from downstairs.

josh sighed, rolling off his bed and walking down the small set of stairs.

"ye-" he cut himself off as both his parents stood at the counter. he hardly ever saw his parents together anymore, and when they were, josh was in trouble.

"take a seat please." his father gestured. josh sat down at the island.

"josh, we want to talk to you about your new... friend." his mother said nervously. josh leaned onto the counter, becoming defensive at the mention of tyler.

"what about him." josh said plainly.

"we don't know if it's best for you to be around him."

josh became angry. "what the hell is that supposed to mean?" josh said, standing up.

"don't talk to me like that!" his father yelled, slamming his hand down onto the counter. "we know what kind of relationship you're in with that boy and we won't tolerate it! either you stop talking to him or you move out, right now!"

josh stood in the kitchen, staring at his parents. his father was red faced and angry, but his mother was crying. josh was a mixture of both.

he sprinted up the stairs and shoved his charger, his cigarettes, his headphones, his joints, and his laptop along with a few articles of clothing into a backpack. he walked down the stairs to his parents still standing in the kitchen. he turned to them, his face broken and angry.

"i hope you rot in hell."

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