I let out a breath, the last of my patience leaving with it. "Calmete o te calmo, eh? I don't tolerate that impetuous behavior with any of my employees, don't think for a second the same doesn't apply to you because you are my brother. Speak with that vulgarity again and see if I don't have you on the next flight back to Madrid. I will not hesitate to terminate you and give your position to Luca. Do you understand?"

Alexander fidgeted on his phone, laughing under his breath while my brother held a disingenuous smile. "I apologize, Mr. Castellano, didn't know I had to speak as if I was a diplomat. Especially considering who is your second in command." His voice laced with sarcasm that I didn't care for as long as he received my message loud and clear.

"Juemadre! What I ever do to you parcero?" Alexander slipped the phone back into his pocket and sat beside Matias, the smirk on his face unwavering. "Jealous that little brother likes me better? And to think I was about to congratulate you on your engagement. Never thought a man whore like yourself would settle down. But to be fair never imagined Elias would either but it seems it won't be long till he goes down the rabbit hole of love. Two odd occurrences in a lifetime must be because Mercury is in retrograde or some crap like that." He paused, smirking still, as he ran his hand over his beard. "Can't blame him really Scarlett is smart, attractive, con un cuerpo— "

I glared at him daring him to continue, tempted to drag him out of my office by the noose of his tie. He raised his hands up in defeat, "I'm kidding, pissing you off is my favorite pastime. What I meant to say is Ms. Delacruz is a wonderful, nice, respectable woman."

Ignoring his response, I typed into the computer, printing off today's financial reports. The room erupted in much-needed silence, allowing me to hear the last page print. I walked to the printer and grabbed the huge stack of papers handing it directly to Alexander. "Have some decorum, I would hate to task you with an endless amount of menial tasks." He grimaced, slumping his shoulders—he hated doing analytical charts.

My brother snorted squaring an ankle over his knee. "He doesn't know the definition of decorum what makes you think he will act with it? Also, I'd rather not be congratulated by a divorced man whose wife left him with no explanation or warning. That might bring bad omen to my marriage." Alexander's features hardened as he sunk his head and stared at files. I shook my head in disapproval, his ex-wife was a sensitive topic.

"I'm sorry I was out of line for that. "Alexander nodded, accepting Matias apology. " Sea lo que sea, I'm glad that part of my life is past me. I am a man of many faults but the way I treated her wasn't one of them. If you're with me best believe I will handle you with delicacy, treat you like a Reina, thanks to her it only pertains to my bedroom now."

"What she did is unforgivable, I should have never brought it up. Look, I know I come off as a callous jerk but my intentions come from a good place. What I said earlier about Scarlett too, is nothing personal. I am hard-wired not to trust anyone."

He signaled beside him, "I wouldn't trust this fool if It wasn't for the lengths you went through to find his little girl. For that, I know Alexander will always be loyal." He sighed, relaxing back into the chair. "Scarlett's given history and the fact you saw her afterward with him, it's hard not to prime her as the perfect suspect."

Reading my brother's body language, I could tell he was being sincere. I sat back down, folding my arms over my desk. "I speculate that Thomas used Scarlett as an instrument to distract and divert us from the real informant. She's the perfect target as you said with her given history. I have no evidence to support my claims. If the board or anyone else were to find out that she was seen with him after the Edison & CO meeting details leaked, it would be a disaster. Which is why I've decided to keep it classified amongst us."

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