14. Things can always get worse, can't it?

Start from the beginning

"Embarrassing," I scoffed, then pushed my cart further along the aisle.

"So what are you doing here Marinette?" Nino asked.

"I wanted to check out a library before the book closed," she replied, "No wait! I mean check out a book before the library closed!" Marinette laughed sheepishly. She kept glancing at Paws nervously.

"What kind of book?" Paws asked, "I'm sure Félix could help you," he gestured at me.

"Oh! Sure! Um..." Marinette scratched her head thoughtfully, "I forgot...?"

"Come find me when you've found where you dropped your head," I told her and moved onto the next aisle. I only had a couple books left to file away.

"Is he always like this?" I heard Marinette ask Paws and Nino.

By Paws' tone, I could tell he was smiling, "Yeah, kind of. You kind of have to learn what he's actually saying and not get too offended by it." He laughed slightly.

Mme Dubois approached me with my bag, "Here Félix," she handed it to me, "today's just a half day, and me and Théo can close up. Go ahead an leave early," she smiled at me.

I accepted the bag, but then looked her straight in the eye, "I will only accept this special treatment today," I warned her.

Mme Dubois patted my shoulder then went back to the desk.

I went to Paws' table with Nino and Marinette, "I'm heading out," I told them.

Paws looked at me, "Aww already?" he asked.

"Sorry Paws, just not feeling it today," I told him with my brother's jacket slung over my shoulder.

"Paws?" Marinette looked at me confused.

"Will you come to the Trocadero tomorrow for the race at least?" Paws asked tilting his head, "I'd love to see you there!"

I gave him a warm pat, "Sure, so long nothing bad happens," I promised, even giving him a small smile.

Fuko hovered near my shoulder as I walked down the stairs. I was glad she had been keeping silent for most of today. I didn't have much patience to deal with her antics enough as it is, and right now, it was practically a negative amount.

I sighed as I headed towards Claude's apartment. It wasn't necessarily further away, but it wasn't in the same direction either. I had to learn a whole new walking route from there to the school.

I looked at my phone screen, reading my mom's messages again. I reread her request for me to join her and Claude at a café to meet up with Claude's friends. With everything that was going on and had happened, I didn't want to be around anyone right now.

Plus, who knows what would happen. I was certain Fuko's sandwich bad luck was still running, waiting to strike again. It was safer to either be around a super-hero that absorbed that bad luck or as far away from people as possible.

I walked up the stairs wearily. I couldn't wait until I sat down and just let my mind wander off reading some good books.

Claude had been kind enough to lend me one of his spare keys. Honestly, if it weren't for Claude I have no idea how me and my mom would be getting through this right now. I was grateful to him. Not that you'd ever hear me say that.

I unlocked his door, then when I was pushing the door open to enter a piece of paper came loose in my hand, as if it had been attached to the door.

Fuko peered over my shoulder, "What's that?" she asked.

"Dunno..." I unfolded it and read it. Fuko hovered next to my hand, reading it herself.

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