Ahad took Kanwal to Moosa's house as she asked him, on a condition that she will try to convince Mahnoor not to do something irrational or his brother's life would be in danger. Although Ahad was sure that things would never come to this stage. The Moosa he knows, will not do anything to an innocent person but then again, he didn't want to take any risk. Since he hadn't grasp Moosa'a mindset when it comes to Mahnoor. It could be possible that he will try to manipulate her by putting Hammad in his custody.

"What you have told me."

"Nothing else?"

Kanwal shook her head in negative, "She wasn't in the condition to talk about anything else."

"I see. So, ... are you still angry at me?"


"For asking you to convince Mahnoor about Moosa."

"...I am sure she doesn't want her brother to get in any trouble because of her."

"So, you are not bothered by it anymore?"


"Then why haven't you eaten anything?" Ahad leaned his face down to Kanwal's and snatched the magazine from her hand which she was pretending to read all this time.

"I will eat later." She abruptly turned her face to another side. Ahad sighed before holding her face with both hands and turning back towards him.

"When?" He asked but his question wasn't answered.

"Don't torture me like this Kanwal, don't do this." He whispered, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

"I am not torturing anyone." Kanwal scowled.

Ahad stared her face for a while, before going to the bathroom. A sigh of relief escaped from Kanwal's mouth thinking that Ahad gave up and will go to bed soon like he used to do whenever he came late. But in a few moments, her assumptions went wrong when Ahad asked her to eat with him.

"I thought you already had dinner in office." She gave him a surprised look.

"I want to eat more."

"Right now?"

"Right now." Ahad nodded and Kanwal silently got up to serve him dinner.

Just as Ahad expected, she only put one plate on the table but when she was about to leave when he called her.

"Where is your plate?"

"I will eat later." She said leaving the dining room.

Kanwal barely took two-steps when she was spin around and next moment Ahad was dragging her back to the table.

"Ahad, what are you doing? L-leave me." She tried to free her arm.

"I Will soon, don't worry." He said in a nonchalant way and forced her to sit on a chair. Kanwal tried to get up, but Ahad pushed her down again by pressuring her shoulder. Circling around his left arm on Kanwal's shoulders, he bent and took out rice on the plate, pour some Raita (flavoured yoghurt) and put a spoon on it.

"Now, eat." He said standing straight.

"I said I will eat later."

"You just like to make everything harder." Ahad sighed and fill a spoon with rice.

"You know, never say no to food. You shouldn't be ungrateful to Allah, right?" He said holding a spoon full of rice. Kanwal silently ate it and take the spoon from Ahad's hand.

"I can eat by myself."

"Great, I am not good at feeding." He said but didn't move from his place or removed his arms from Kanwal's shoulders.

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