New Dawn

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N E W  D A W N

"However long the night, the dawn will always break.."


1 year later...

The boy found himself back at the hill where everything had started.

Where he began to heal.

He was perched on top of his suitcase, his hair disheveled as he looked upon the horizon waiting.

But perhaps he had waited long enough to see her again, become strong enough to hold her in his arms again.

So Taehyung began to run down the hill with the wind pushing against him as if it were encouraging him.


Streets were flocked with the bustling life of people heading in one direction,
Taehyung could not help but be a little curious about where they were heading to. So he merged with the crowd tugging his suitcase along with him.

The crowd were full of excitement to wherever they were heading and the boy lost inside of the crowd drew a blank face. It wasn't long until he had found himself pushed inside a building almost tripping over his own feet as people scampered off in different directions.

The boy brushed himself off making a move to exit the place he had forcefully been pushed into.

But a painting caught his eye luring him towards it. Recognition flared in his eyes as he stared at the piece painted a year ago.

The back of a scarred and broken man with flowers blooming from it. Instead of the words Stigma as he once remembered there there was now a sentence scrawled across the canvas.

"Our souls are beaming with flowers and it was time we stopped watering our scars..."

He had heard the echo of her voice in his mind as the memory was still there clear as day.

"She did it..." He quietly mumbled underneath his breath as proudness flickered in him.

A deep chuckled suddenly escaped his lips.

How cliche of him to find himself wandering in here...

Taehyung however, found his feet moving almost automatically to the path of paintings hanging across the white hall. All these paintings bared her memories of him, her emotions of him and her heart wrenching story.

Park Jihae had bared her naked soul upon the world.

She moved people, made them feel what she did in the moment she had locked herself in her art studio painting with emotion.

The soft and quite sobs of people around him were enough to tell him that they felt it too that raw emotion she never ceased to lose in her paintings.

Taehyung had come to the last painting in the gallery that left him star struck. The painting of the sun sneaking out of the horizon and the streaks of warmth the flew across the sky along with two silhouettes looking up to the sky with hope.

Although it was the last painting it marked the beginning of there journey together.

Just below the painting Taehyung saw that she had again put another quote below one he was sure was of her own words.

"However long the night, the dawn will always break.."

He merely felt her presence by his side as he heard her soft voice bless his ears once again.

"So you dyed your hair red Taehyung?" She chuckled sweetly before pivoting of her feet to face the boy she hadn't seen little less over a year.

She took in the once skinny boy who now had broad shoulders and cheeks full of colour. His once pale skin now glowing with a radiating tan. Dark eye circles no longer to be seen underneath his warm brown orbs telling her enough that he had been getting sleep.

Taehyung was doing the same taking in her figure that had changed so much since the last time he saw her. She now stood with pride and confidence with a genuine smile etched upon her glossy lips. Her figure now curving beautifully in places he wanted to run his fingertips over.

Taehyung reached his arm out to her touching her once long locks of hair now cut short just below her shoulders.

"As you cut your hair Jihae..." He chuckled deeply, brushing his fingertips along the strands of her hair before allowing his hand to meet with her cheek.

The girl leaned into his loving and gentle touch slightly tilting her face so her soft lips grazed the palm of his hands.

Her voice mumbled and vibrated against his skin but he had caught what had tumbled out of her lips

"You didn't forget me Kim Taehyung..."



You guys are free to interpret what happens next in Jihae's and Kim Taehyungs journey! I truly adored this book as well as loved writing it! I will be doing a bonus chapter too just to give you more insight on what happened and why!

Thanks For Reading Duende!!

Till the next fic!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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