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Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. 


Taehyung, didn't know how long he had cried in the embrace of some warm arms that comforted him.

His head at laid against her chest where he could hear the soft and calming beat of her heart echoing in his ears calming him down.

The boy soon pulled away from the girls chest mumbling a short sorry to her as he refused to make eye contact with her eyes.

He felt rather drained after crying a ocean full of tears onto her top and actually felt a tad embarrassed about his emotional explosion on her.

He thought the girl would view him as utterly ridiculous for crying here for god knows how long.

Except, she didn't.

Jihae looked to Taehyung with soft eyes and sympathy as he trained his gaze towards the ground and fiddled with his finger tips. She felt a pang of sadness hit her as she saw herself in Taehyung, broken and scattered to pieces.

So she brought her hand towards his cheek wiping the tears that rolled down his cheek and stroking it gently as if she could stop him from collapsing to pieces.

Taehyung, looked up into Jihae's chesnut coloured eyes where the flecks of sunlight sparkled and danced around the rim, a small smile tugged upon her lips causing her eyes to crinkle up ever so slightly.

Taehyung had smiled back at Jihae because for once he felt happy.

Happy that he had someone by his side which had been empty for far too long and as the birds fluttered by across the sky and the dawn broke out across the city Taehyung decided to finally tell someone his story.

The story of how seven boys went on the trip of a life time but not realise that those two days would be the last ones they would spend together.



Bringing ya'll another update!! Whoop whoop!

Also just saying that Taehyung slayed the red hair look! (Secretly wishing bight bring it back!)

Thanks For Reading!!!


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