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A fluttering and nauseous sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous.


Taehyung didn't know why he had accepted Jihae's offer to stay for breakfast when he hoped to say his thank yous, goodbyes and simply part ways with her.

But instead the girl had handed him a tooth brush and a towel pushing him into the bathroom telling him that breakfast would be ready in minutes.

So now the boy stood in front of the steamy mirror staring at his tired face a sigh escaped his lips as he remembered the painting he saw hanging up.

He pushed the thought aside and grabbed the towel heading out of the bathroom door hand drying his hair with one hand. He wandered off around the apartment stopping at the kitchen where his stomach seemed to drop upon seeing the girl hum along to the radio. She had changed into a baggy white tee and leggings along with her long brown locks pulled upwards into a messy bun.

Taehyung snapped out of his daze when he heard a plate shatter to the ground and the sound of a curse escaping her lips which she soon covered once she saw Taehyung.

The boy let a sigh escape his lips for the second time in the hopes to prevent himself from smiling stupidly and began picking up the shattered pieces.

But he was stopped when a hand held onto his causing a pit of butterflies to form in his stomach, an usual feeling that was.

"I got this..."She softly reassured him but her facial expression read confusion as she looked at the boy's sad eyes.

He wanted to say no but fought against it trailing away from the girl.

Moments later the two of them sat in pure silence and Taehyung was still questioning hwy he was sitting across from this girl who was eating the plate of pancakes in front of her like her life depended on it.

"What?" Jihae asked the boy who stared at her.

"Nothing... You must really like pancakes.." Taehyung answered in a monotone voice.

But what the girl did next really threw Taehyung off, a chuckle escaped from her pink lips as her face cracked into a heart stopping smile.

'That damned smile' Taehyung thought as the swarm of butterflies were growing bigger and stronger.

"I can't do this..." He mumbled.

The boy abruptly jumped out his chair bolting out of the apartment before the nausea hit him like a wave as he threw up on the side walk.

He wiped the his mouth with the side of his sleeve ignoring the burning sensation scratching his throat before merging in with the crowd as if nothing had happened. However he was unaware that Jihae had seen everything.


I felt like double updating again for ya'll so here it is!!! Also I really gotta get my butt back to writing my other fics soon! They are needy for updates 😂

Enjoy and till tomorrow's update we shall meet again 💜


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