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A W K W A R D N E S S 

Causing or feeling uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience. 


The two figures tumbled down the hill where the girl still had her hand latched onto Taehyung. Daylight had spread across the horizon quickly and it was coming up to 6am in the morning.

Taehyung could not help but train his eyes on the girls hand that softly connected with his wrist, he had rather been caught off guard by her sudden care.

Nor did he really have the chance to stop her because he soon found himself pulled into the comfort of a warm and bright apartment.

The girls grip loosened from his wrist leaving him to feel a bit disjointed at the loss of warmth that she had radiated onto him.

"Wait here..." She said with a smile scurrying off somewhere in the apartment.

Taehyung drew his gaze around the unfamiliar location he had stepped in. The apartment was strikingly different to his where the blinds were drawn closed and clothes were scattered all of the floor. This apartment however, was neat with white washed walls, the scent of lavender hanging about brought back the nostalgic feeling of calmness just as he had felt a few days ago.

But what seemed to leave Taehyung in awe was the paintings hanging across the apartment like an art gallery. He found himself staring at every single one of them mesmerised by the precision and flick that each stroke held and how the colours would merge together to create a beautiful master piece.

He gazed at each piece that he saw until he stopped at the last one that made his heart aching thump and his chest to feel constricted.

It appeared to be a painted of seven boys with there arms slung over one other as they looked to a sky painted with pink, orange and red hues. The image sent a wave of nostagia through Taehyung because the painting had truly captured such a beautiful moment in friendship.

'I miss you hyung...' Taehyung whispered as his breathing felt shaky.

The sound of rapid footsteps approaching made Taehyung pull himself back together before standing awkwardly like a stick.

The girl lead him to the kitchen where she had gotten out a first aid kit. Taehyung again stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do until he felt a warm cotton wool gently dab the side of his cheek.

He filched back slightly

"Sorry..." The girl sheepishly apologised

Taehyung watched the girl bite the bottom her lip with her gaze on his cheek and her hands softly mopping up the blood.

He wasn't used to someone caring for him in this way.

Once she was done the girl looked up to the boys maroon eyes that didn't seem to hold a flicker of emotion. They stood like that locked within each others gazes before Taehyung spoke out in a raspy voice.

"What's your name?"

But then he drew his lips into a thin line cursing himself internally for asking that.

"Jihae. Park Jihae." She answered with a smile.

The boy merely nodded drawing his gaze away from her.

"Are you not going to tell me yours?" she piped up curiously.

Taehyung let out a small chuckle suprising himself that the small sound was still able to escape his lips.

"It's Kim Taehyung."

And just by saying his name Taehyung had already known two things: one he has already broken his promise. Two this girl scared him out of his wits because she was sparking a fire that never should be re-started.

Not when it had burned and hurt so many.


Heeey! Hope ya enjoyed this chapter! Also for all my readers don't be scared to comment on this story and vote!

Love ya'll as always thanks for reading


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