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A pleasurable contemplation of something


The boy lay on his back staring blankly at the plain white ceiling full of spirals, waking up and losing sleep was not an unusual thing for Taehyung.

5AM was the time he always found himself tossing and turning and then waking up with cold sweats throughout his body and drenched bedsheets that stuck to clammy skin.

Sleep was the time where his mind liked to torture him by dragging his unconscious back to the past he desperately wanted to forget.

However, this time was different. The boy would usually stay glued to the bed and wait for the sunlight to seep through his blinds into the darkness he called his room. Instead, he found himself wanting to watch the sunrise again just as he did a few days ago.

So he did.

He soon found himself waking up the familiar hill and sitting with the wind rustling through his hair causing a sigh to escape from him as he breathed in the fresh air.

Soon when he had made it to the top he was greeted by a familiar figure sitting cross legged happily drawing with the little light provided for her by the sky.

His legs drew him closer to her as he sat down beside her and once again they let a comfortable silence sit between them.

'Can't sleep?" The girl softly asked not meeting Taehyung's gaze.

"Not really." Was all the boy replied not willing the conversation to go any further.

The sun then rose above the horizon in all it's glory, hues of orange and red streaked the sky chasing the dark blue night away. The warmth of the sun radiated on the two of them, but the difference was that one of them was watching in awe but the other did not feel anything. Not even the slightest bit amazed at the beauty that reflected through his eyes for all he saw was a dark world with no colour.

Taehyung glimpsed over to the girl who shut her eyes in content or sleepiness but found his gaze drawn to the book she laid out on her lap.

The girl had painted the a dark setting where a girl sat beneath the two moons above her with her head tilted down. If Taehyung looked a little closer he could see that the girl had binded up her hands as there was rope seen on her wrists.

Taehyung seemed to admire the painting, he found it deeply moving because although he couldn't appreciate a sunrise he somehow found beauty within the darkness of the night.

Perhaps it was because that was what the boy always surrounded himself with.

Taehyung did not know where this unknown feeling had come from nor why he chose to say these next few words to the girl he barely knew.

"Your painting is stunning..."


Hey! If you guys are curious about the painting I visualised here it is

Credits to Iluviar @ Deviant Art! This piece of art if super significant to the girl's story in this painting which will be revealed soon!

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Credits to Iluviar @ Deviant Art!
This piece of art if super significant to the girl's story in this painting which will be revealed soon!

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