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First of all, IM NOT DEAD ok?
Otherwise, why would I have this chapter?

Well, anyways, in summer school, Im taking a mythology class. In the end, I have to make a creative mythological story. Fun right?



But seriously, please read this story, and give your comment, tag, read, whatever. You have about 0 hours.
This challenge is over but you can still comment or whatever.

Its based off of Alice Of Human Sacrifice.


Lucidia... (word made by Lucid dreaming)

A long time ago, there was nothing. Just darkness. Then the darkness started to hold power, power becoming five conscious entities. Chaos, Order, Memory, Time, and Space. Together they made a world filled with plants, animals, water, sky, land, and fire. But there was one problem. None of them held the power to give life, concepts, yes, objects, yes, but life, death, and fate was never theirs. Without life, their objects would stay inanimate, their world would fade and the creators would die.

But at one point, Chaos and Memory had a twisted idea. What if they invited others over? Use their spirits to occupy the empty husks? They could open their world to wandering spirits, the dead, the asleep, anyone! They'll all be trapped forever, except for the worthy. A truly corrupted idea indeed. But it was the only choice. Spirits would come in, maybe out of foolishness, thinking they could escape.

They opened their gates to the rest of the world, inviting anyone in. It didn't matter what they were, who they were. All were welcomed with open hands.

Many came, barely any left, but here are four of the most famous ones who tried to forcefully get out and failed. They were called the Four Alices.


The first alice was a fearsome maiden warrior, wielding a thin curved sword made out of a light silver-like metal foreign to the world. She entered through a dream, imagining herself as a warrior in the new armor she would wear in her upcoming battle. It was told that she visited a nearby oracle deep in the mountains asking if her next battle would be a victory but the answer she received prophesied that she would never go back to the world unless she made a red path spanning across the horizon without using paint.

You wish to leave then you shall heed,

Make a blood red path and you will go free

And bring your men to victory

If you fail,

You will stay for eternity

painting the line every time the sun shines

Every moon rise

She set to work, creating a red path from blood of others she killed in her wake. Innocent, old, young, it didn't matter. She killed and killed and killed, east to west. One of her famous kills was one of killing the leader of a well known singer. It was said that he corrupted many with dreams of hope and freedom. She shot him dead with a blowdart to the neck, and with his blood, she was able to paint a red path for a few sunrises.

But she was a fool. Only loving blood.

When she was painting the brown forest dirt crimson red, a figure came walking behind her. By this time no one with a brain would even venture near her. The entity was a girl with blue hair and purple eyes. She wore a black dress, touching the ground. She then appeared right behind the crimson woman and said...
"They said to paint the ground red, not with liquid that TURNS BROWN OR BLACK! Idiot, you KNOW blood, it should be in your mind, or do you only FIGHT?"
It was so small, that one could've missed it as a hallucination. But they were indeed right, dried blood turned brown and black. They could've used juice, ANYTHING! Instead, they murdered.
The red one was frozen in place, in time.
"The solution is simple, find a way to do it. But because of how many people you killed, you stay in the forest... forever."
And so she was trapped forever in the eternal jungle at the end of the world, where every sunrise and sunset, she paints her path of glistening red blood but it dries by the next unset, which must be repainted. The cycle goes on, forever.
It was her punishment. Every kill she makes, a day more she stays... but only the gods knew that
The second Alice was born in a warring village. He was weak, and always fell ill when winter came. He was a disgrace but he couldn't be banished because his parents were the high chief and chiefess of that village. Ever since he was able to walk, he was trained to fight in the ways of war and battle. But he refused to fight, always using mercy against foes.
He refused to wield a sword, he clanged it against rocks to make a bell-like song. His arms shook when he pulled the bowstring, so he plucked it to make a sound from the vibration. Instead of a fearsome war cry, he practiced songs. His songs would lull woodland creatures into a trance, making them gather until his father yelling at him to stop singing which makes the critters scatter away.
Tired of his rejection and constant fighting between villages he ran away from his home at a young age of 15. From then on, he would sing, and people would gather around him. His voice was so beautiful, that people would come from a far just to hear his marvelous songs that he composed every day. In this time, he has never been happier in his life. Indeed he has lost everything he had, but he had found new happiness in emptiness of possessions.
He was not ugly, actually, he looked quite like a god. People said that his soul descended from the heavens, for his beauty and his voice was incomparable to all other competitors.
People said that this man was a rose. He was very elegant, with splendid manners. "His eyes are mesmerizing," they say.
"One with simply become lost when they gaze at his irises."
But a rose has thorns. For at birth, The gods gifted him with a singing voice that would lull everyone to him. He was faded to make a crazed blue world. And soon in time he became popular.
Fans showered him with flowers. Women would always ask him for a date, but he always rejected the offers. Because of this in time the bachelorettes fathers eventually became angry because they thought that their daughters were one of the fairest in the world, yet he would always reject all of them. And so they thought that he was mad.
One day one of them became drunk. He proclaimed that he was going to kill the man. He said that the man of the blue was using dark magic, stealing away good marriage alliances from them. Their daughters refused to except any suitor for they all were under his spell, in a way.
In his drunken state, he grabbed a small gun, and brought it to one of the many times the traveler has sung. Of course, there were many young ladies watching him sing. Right when he was about to sing his next song he was shot dead by a bullet through his temple.
When he fell, the blood from his head stained the first rose red. Roses used to be blue, just like him.
And so people mourned and buried him with many tears shed. But, in just a few years, he was forgotten just as quickly as he gained popularity...
The third one was a beautiful young girl. People said that she was very adorable and cute, eventually hot in her later years. Her beauty was the best, even against anyone in the world. She also was very persuading. She was able to coax even the most stubborn dog into submission. And so one day the king of the kingdom was overthrown and killed along with his family. When it was time to choose a person to rule the place, she became the winner because there were many who are under her spell, and voted for her.
she actually wasn't a bad queen. But, her kingdom was a little bit... strange. They had new customs, One including worshiping her.
The girl became the queen, entering the night of her coronation, she was back with the strange dream of her becoming old and dying on that very same bed on the very same day except in a different year. So crazed to by this one little dream she was convinced that her days were numbered and overreacted.
She asked the most powerful sorry Siri in the area to put a spell on her so that she would be immortal. Of course it was absurd. One couldn't just simply become forever lasting without any consequences. The sorcerer performed the powerful spell, and the gods noticed. Timer said to the other four that is the queen must be punished in the way.
"If she wants to forever live in forever be beautiful, then let her live but from now on let all the people who live longer than others become more frail, let their hair become more lighter, let their skin become more wrinkled. that will be the price."
And so the queen lived for all eternity, but even if her soul stayed, her body was just an ugly corpse. And still to this day, that is why the young are more fair than the old.
On the stone forest path, two kids ran. They stopped under a rose bush with red roses to act like princes and royalty while making flower crowns. A lone lady in a black dress walked to the twins and gave them a card before disappearing before thei eyes. It was an invitation to the annual castle ball. In the card written in the own cloven queen's handwriting was a card from a traditional card game.
The card was two aces of the yellow hearts. They decided to go to the castle ball. From here their journey starts. But they were unaware that they became the fourth Alice in the challenge.
The fourth Alice were innocent joyful twins. They journeyed through the wonderland, often asking for directions and getting lost. The found many interesting things such as tiny green birds sparkling under the sun's reflection zipping by them. They climbed giant trees more bigger than 50 men on top of each other. They were kind hearted, helping birds mend their wings or other kids carry out their chores.
They traveled through many doors and kingdoms welcomed by all for they were two adventurous kids. And soon they finally touched the Cloven Kingdom's land at the edge of the world. There were two paths. One leading to the bustling and joyous kingdom while the other one, no one seemed to notice and regard its presence.
The bold older sister told her brother that they should follow the path to see the other side. On the other hand, the younger brother argued that it would be safer to not risk it since it seemed like only they could see it. After a little discussion, the younger brother reluctantly agreed. And so they walked into the forest path. Soon, they saw one door, and as the sister was about to push it open, they heard footsteps...
Then silence.
The forest at the edge of the world was where the red one stayed in. And so, though being so close, they failed and they were forever doomed to stay. But the gods gave pity to them, for they could've left if only they were a little faster.
They turned the two into a cluster of stars. Twins running through the skies for all of the world to see forever.

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