The team of four (cuz idk on what else to do) pt1

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Faith's pov: Well, my name is Faith. My mom is a nymph and my dad is a clear sighted mortal. So that makes me a deminymph. My dad is a mad scientist and my mom is a dolphin trainer. Yeah, my mom is a water nymph and she really specializes in dolphin. I loved swimming and dolphins always cooperated with me too. I was the person who never really had any friends-until I met my team.

The first one is my best friend from middle school, Snow. She has one eye because she claims that it came from a tragedy, and no one knows what that is. She is adopted since she was ten, because whe ran away from her home after that. Evreyone name called her on the first day of school by saying she's ugly or flirted with her because they claimed that she looked badass (is that even a swearword?). but I am warning you right now.DO NOT EVER DO THAT. Why, you may ask, well let's just say she is probably the most hostile person in our school, Dearwood High.

Then, there are the twins, Tiger and Rea. Tiger was this boy who was always the troublemaker, in a good way. He was the dirty messy hacker who destroyed all the banns that the teacher unleashed on us. He also loves art, though their parents hate creativity, with his sister's help, he was always safe from their boring lectures. The other sister Rea, she too at school was admired by the teacher as the "perfect student," but all of us know that she is the mastermind. Let me rephrase that, the only reason that we had freedom in our web sites is because of her. She is the godess of Coding-I swear. She's so good that she made a special link for us that lets us get into any website we want. Unlike her brother, she is the creator. While her brother likes arts of chaos and destruction, she like arts of creation. She's seriously obsessed in creation gods like Gaea.

Le time skip to when they meet up at the school cuz I am the creator of this book RIIIIGHT???

As I was walking through the hallway, I met up with the twins Tiger and Rea. While tiger was scribbling on his little notepad, Rea told me that she was going to add a YouTube unbanning code! "Yes!" I thought. Now we can all see the vids that the Stolls made! I was probably grinning like a madman by now. Then, a loud *BANG!* thundered through the hallways. As evreyone (including me,) whipped our heads around, I see a jock on the wall pinned by... Snowdrop. "Please babe," I heard him say. "No need to be feisty, I am handsome and ric~ ..." he gets cut off by Snowdrop roundhouse kicking to his head. I hear a very girly scream as the jock crumples on the floor. Then, she brings out her handy post it notes and writes on it

{dear whoever your name is,

Really man? Is that all ya got? What a whimp dawg. And ya know what idiot, you were a nice punching bag to wake me up.

Thanks a lot pincushion,

Snowdrop Icernia}

All the idiotic jocks glances at the post it and slowly backs away from both snowdrop and the unfortunate jock. Snow then scans through the crowd and sees us and comes jogging towards us. "Hey, sorry about that" she says. "Ya know, its the usual stuff, the morons tryin to flirt with me and stuff..." She was cutoff by the usual bell ringing, "tell y'all at the end of recess!" She said as she went to her call and we went to our's.

During recess because this person dosen't have a love interest.

We all met up under the playground, since there's usually no one there. While we all listened to how snowdrop bet up the jock, Creg I think, I was still wondering what was the secret she was keeping and how she knew how to beat up anyone. After that, we discussed the news of demigod and gods existing. I suggested that maybe Greek gods weren't the only ones existing. When we started to discuss, Snow suddenly seemed more tense and touchy about the subject. Then I asked her, "whats the story of the eye? Can you tell us pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?"
"Fine" she answered. We all cheered.
"But, after school, back area."

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