A new healer! (cuz will is the only in other fanfics so far)

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Tyler: you could say I was different. I was always sticking out. People called me a weirdo but I never really cared. But I would've never thought that I was THAT different.


Ever since I was little, I was caring. I always wanted to heal anyone hurt. Heck, even I had a first aid kit in my bag. I always questioned my mom but she simply said that it was from my dad. One day, during elementary school, there was an injured bird. It had a broken wing. I've never dealt with bird injuries but I was able to put a makeshift cast on it effortlessly. It confused me when I finished. It felt like I just came back from a space out.
But I was never same from THAT day.

Time skip to middle school. But still a flash back.

It was a normal school day. You see, I was able to slip through the social pyramid and not get picked on. I had an average a-. Not too suspicious for a loner you know. One day after school, I saw a pure black Persian cat with a star on her forehead. It was limping, and I saw that it had a thorn in its paw. I came up to it slowly, it stopped but didn't run away, instead it sat there looking like it expected me to be here. I took it's thorn out, then the cat ran to shadows and never returned. Until that faithful day.

Time skip too high school. Same thing. #%&$6+3&&+&%-':%='-"

Right now, I'm at Jefferson high school. Its like any normal high school. The Greek gods just revealed themselves just two months ago. And a news about a very peculiar wolf ranting and beating the crap got of the government was released a month ago. Some took that warning seriously and said that we should just leave them alone or they're other things are going to kill us. Others on the other hand, said that this was proof that demigods and stuff were too powerful. Me, hating war and death took no sides. One Tuesday though, there was a presentation about why demigods were so bad. Most of them didn't make any sense. When he was saying that monsters are really bad too, I wasn't really listening. But hey, so wasn't anyone. But the teacher just had to spoil it.

Right when he said some examples of monsters are  wind spirits, or venti. (I forgot what the Greek name was and I'm too lazy to look it up.) Right when he said that, it started to rain outside.(WARNING!!! THIS PART WILL BE VERY CLICHE ISH...) As our school suddenly become surrounded by a hurricane, I heard a loud noise. When I turned I saw a venti. (It looks like Dylan cuz Idk how to do discriptions.) Pretty much, it looked pretty ugly and also I think it has no manners because it just barged in through the door, breaking the hinges. Then it faced me and said 

"I smell the child of the sun"

Of course being an idiot, all I said was "Who? Me.?"

"Yes, yes you" *with a very surprised and confused face*

"Um, okay... So what are you going to do?"

" How about I just KILL YOU!!!,!"

It lunged at me, with its... Well airy claws? I don't know how to say it. He's literately a bunch of clouds with a face. I might as well call him carbon trash bag. As if I knew what was going on, (I had no idea.) I held out my stick that I was given to from my mom. It turned into a 4foot long staff. Right when it was about to shoot a cloudy ball of lightning, I pointed my staff to the ball and said some nonsense. Then, a thin layer of blue light shot from it, making a shield. The light bounced off of it, throwing it back to the venti, who was just celebrating, probably thinking I'm dead by now. It exploded into golden dust. After that, I was able to control my body again even though I felt like I haven't slept in weeks. I willed my staff back into a stick. There was a whole minute with awkward silence. The sky became suddenly clear, because that windy trash bad left. Soon, I could hear sirens wailing in the distance coming closer. Then suddenly, the very same cat I saw years ago appeared right behind me and said 

" well, good job, though you could do better.*amused expression* But, *sigh* you are more, unique, you have a lot of immortals wanting you. Now, jump into the shadows, we can't let those idiotic association catch us do we?" 

(The mortals are still frozen in shock) I hopped into the shadows, though I thought that following a cat was weird, but at least it's better than being caught by them. I had a cold shiver down the spine for a millisecond. I closed my eyes as the shadows consumed me, but at the same time, it felt like they were moving me too. After a few moments later, I felt a blast of sunlight hit me. When I opened my eyes, I was on top of a hill, right next to a pine tree with a gold sheepskin rug hanging from it. Coiled around it was a DRAGON?! The cat mewed, with an amused expression

 " scared ya huh? Whelp, long story short, welcome to camp half blood, one of the two safe haven for demigods, but for you, this will be one of over 200 safe places. You really lucky you know. Both with the blood of the pharophs and the Greeks, you would have to deal with both demons and monsters. But hey, you did pretty good back there with no experience."

How did it know that I never tried? I thought. And possibly maybe hoped that this cat can tell me the answer. I got my question answered, but not in the way that I wanted. "Yeah, I know because I know all your dirty secrets, so don't even try to keep them safe. For the other question though, to put in it in a nutshell, you are probably the first demimagician in centuries, possibly millenias. But anyways,  what you did there was a deflection spell. It is pretty hard to master, but easy to use. But yours was powerful enough to deflect a Greek attack, even if it was Egyptian. The trance that you were in, probably a gift and/or curse, by what circumstances you are in. Probably the cause is that your Egyptian spell power was increased from what you are, a demigod."

Great, I thought. I'm a demigod. And a magician. And everyone is going to try and catch me because I'm the first demimagician in centuries. Yay. (Note the sarcasm) "yes, enjoy the time you have in here." The cat said again "Oh, and can you stop calling me that, I'm aurora, half cat and half dog. Thank you. But hey on the good news, you're going to get to practice pissing off monsters, demons, and all the other stuff.  Well, I guess less chatting, let's go to the big house. Let's hope Annabeth and Percy understands who you are. I'm hoping that you can help Will Solace, apparently the only main "healer" in camp." When we started to walk down there, I heard her murmur "I still kept your promise, brother." 

















Oh, and here's the bonus



Back to reality, (which is 6 months from now.) 

I'm having a lot of fun here at the camps and the Nomes. The great food, great games and programs, the whole package! I never had to go through a single boring lecture again, as the teaching motto here is that "you can't learn if you don't try." Even if I never had the courage to attack, I seem to have everything it takes to defend. I can control my trance now, being able to have more stamina. I visited my step-parents from time to time, but I couldn't stay long because of monsters and demons chasing me 24/7. But hey, just like Aurora said, "what's life without the problems and fun?"

Mortals meet the Demigods (Its awful)Where stories live. Discover now