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Weeks crept by, exam season was coming soon. I am not prepared; I've been so distracted lately. I sat there trying to focus on my books but Henry and his new buddy Shawn were playing their music really loudly, it was getting very irritating. That's it I've had enough! I can't even focus. I stood up and headed into Henry's room, "Turn down the fucking music!" I yelled in frustration.

"Dude chill!" Shawn frowned.

"Charlotte what do you want?" Henry asked, getting all mouthy in front of Shawn.

"Unlike you fools, I care about my future and I want my life to go somewhere so turn it down." I rolled my eyes. Shawn ignored me and turned up the music, I shrugged, they left me with no other choice. I walked over to the plug and pulled it out, "You're lucky I didn't cut up the wire." I kissed my teeth.

"What the fuck Charlotte!" Henry sighed.

"I like her." Shawn spoke with a smirk plastered unto his face.

"Don't think about it," Henry said sternly. I smirked watching them.

"So revision time! Shawn you can stay or leave but Henry and I are revising." I folded my arms swaying elegantly towards Henry, who had a smile playing at his lips.

"I need to revise as well, my engineering course wants me to pass my physics or else they'll kick me out." Shawn's eyes analysed my body, as he bit his bottom lip.

"Sure I'm good at physics I could help you out a bit." I said flirtatiously, flicking my eyes towards the left to see Henry's reaction. He had his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"That'd be great." Shawn smiled.

"Meet me in my room," I exaggerated my smile. Shawn headed to my room. Henry and I stood there, "What are you doing?" He asked me. I smirked, "I just want to be friends with Shawn, he seems really nice." I said messing with him. He grinned, "Oh two can play that game."

I nodded, "Sure." I walked into my room where Shawn sat on my bed, "I found your physics book." He beamed.

I headed towards him and sat next to him. We had a quick conversation before starting Physics; Shawn is actually a really nice guy as well. He made me laugh because of all his silly jokes, "So pop quiz!" I grinned.

"Yay!" He said sarcasm lacing through his voice, I laughed. "So what is the law of the conservation of energy?" I asked him.

"That Charlotte is hot." He smirked.

"Well you Shawn aren't that bad either." I said our eyes connecting. He leaned forward slowly, What should I do? Kiss him or not? I didn't have enough time to think so I just connected our lips together. Shawn exhaled in accomplishment. He wasn't a bad kisser in all honesty. But during the kiss I just couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss Henry. His tongue traced over mine slowly as he hummed. I slowly pulled out of the kiss, "Woah." His mouth was still parted like he was shocked. "You're a good kisser." He smiled.

"Really I haven't kissed anyone in ages." I replied.

"Really? I would have thought Henry would have tried to kiss you." He shrugged.

"Yeah." I wish he would.

"Haha! Henry you're hilarious!" Is that Ella's voice! I shot up and headed out to see who Henry was with. Yep. There Ella was all over my man, "So what's going on here?" I faked a smile. Henry looked at me, pleased at my reaction. "Nothing, Ella is just helping me with my maths revision." He smirked. I felt so jealous right now, "What's the matter Char, are you jealous?" He continued. I scoffed, "Pft no." I waved my hand past my face. "So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" He pulled Ella towards him and smashed his lips on hers. Ella was so shocked. How dare he kiss my best friend in front of me! I had the decency to kiss Shawn behind his back, "That reminds me Shawn and just shared the most magical kiss, right Shawn?" I called out for him. Shawn came out. I wrapped Shawn's arm around my waist. Henry pulled away from the kiss with Ella and looked at us. I was really hurt that my best friend got to kiss Henry before me. "Boi warn me before you do shit like that." Ella straightened up and approached me. I huffed and pushed her hands away from me before storming out of the room.

"Charlotte!" Henry called after me. I walked faster, even though I knew he would still catch up with me. I wasn't giving up that easy. I ran off campus. Turning my head as Henry chased me; I couldn't help but laugh as he gained on me. "So you think this is funny!" He called out, "Making me chase you." He said grabbing me from behind so the back of my body was pressed against his front. I shifted, uncomfortably turning to face him; He kept me close to his body trapping me with his arms. "Why are you mad at me?" He asked me. This boy really is clueless.

"Really Henry I have to spell it out for you." I paused, "You brought Ella to the room and kissed her in front of my face!"

"You flirted with Shawn and kissed him behind my back!" He retorted, "I thought this was all fun, so what's your issue?" He continued.

"My best friend kissed you before I got to! I'm annoyed okay, this sounds petty as fuck but I'm pissed. My bestie of all people, that's low!" I shouted inches away from his face; he licked his plump lips before speaking again. My eyes stayed focused on his wet lips.

"What do you want me to do about it? Take the kiss back?!"He said sarcastically.

"No. Kiss me." I exhaled like I had ran out of energy. I can't stand his face being this close to mine. My hand's where about to start touching him because I can't keep them to myself. Henry studied my face and I did the same to his. Noticing small freckles on his neck. I smiled unknowingly. All of a sudden Henry's lips crashed on mine like he had been waiting for this because I certainly have. My heart was beating so loud he could probably hear it. I couldn't control my breathing I've never felt like this ever, it was new and I loved it. I was going to explode if Henry doesn't stop rubbing on me. Henry's tongue caressed mine dominantly, I didn't bother fighting it, I ran my fingers through his hair and small moan escaped from my mouth. I loved how he tasted on my tongue, this was perfect. His lips held tightly unto mine like he didn't want to let go. I don't mind I could kiss him for an eternity. Gradually, our fire burnt down. We pulled away slowly. In silence. I was mesmerised and out of breathe.

"I'm sorry. I-I, Y-you wer-" Henry stuttered trying to pick the right words.

"That was perfect." I locked eye contact with him.

"It was?" He smirked.

"Yeah, who knew you were such a good kisser." I giggled.

"Well with the amount of practise I'v-"

"Don't even." I cut him off before laughing. Henry laughed along with me. I've been wanting to kiss him for ages, it finally happened and it was magical.


Fav comment of Chapter 15: 'Don't make the list as long as Henry's boner'


I'M A FREE WOMAN! EXAMS ARE OVER! Long-ish chapter to celebrate!

So what did you think about Henry and Charlotte's kiss?


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