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Henry laid there, his eyes closed; his skin looked pale and fragile. He's okay. He's just having a rest; I held his hand and studied his face. "Charlotte you're staring." His voice was soft, and his lips looked darker and plumper. I just wanted to kiss him. I rolled my eyes and snapped back into reality, "Don't talk to me I'm so mad at you." I folded my arms. Henry sat up and smiled. "Stop smiling I'm so pissed off at you." I tried to hold in a smile, I probably looked like I have a perverted grin on my face.

"You look so cute." He pulled me closer to him, so my body was laying on the hospital bed and my head rested on his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso, "I thought they were going to kill you." I said quietly not being able to fathom what I'd do if he died.

"Do you care about me that much?" He said jokingly.

"I care about you so much, you need me and I need you." I spoke sincerely.

"But you're perfect, why would you need a wreck like me in your life?" I wanted to say I loved him, but it's probably just me catching silly feelings, Henry's my best friend. "I love just talking to you, you make me feel happy. You are protective, too protective but I love that." I smiled looking up at him. He seemed accomplished, but soon he started coughing like crazy, "Shit." I stood up and searched through my bag for water. I handed it to him. He thanked me before taking a huge gulp of water. I saw Henry's pills sitting there on the side of the bed, I squinted so I could read the wrapping, it's Xanax! I exhaled clenching my fists really tightly trying to hold in a burst of anger; I controlled my breathing and told myself I'd talk to him later. Soon enough the doctor arrived and allowed Henry to leave, I called Ella and told her to pick us up. I wanted to cry because of the fact, Henry was taking Xannies. I sat far from him in the car and stayed silent the whole ride home. "Char why aren't you talking?" Henry asked as he opened the door for me. I pulled the packet of Xanax out of my pocket, "You want to explain?" I threw them at him.

"I used them for you." He stated, his eyebrows furrowed.

"No! Henry! These are not prescribed drugs. The doctors gave you Oxycodone! Those are prescribed. But those Henry are not!" I screamed. "Do you fucking want to kill yourself?"

"Charlotte doesn't start this right now." He rolled his eyes.

"Who gave you them?" I asked him.

"I don't have time for this, let it go." Henry shrugged.

"Let this go. Wow he said I should let it go." I laughed hysterically. "You need fucking help Henry! Stop walking away from me." I followed him to the kitchen where he was heading. "Fucking leave me alone, for fuck sake!" He yelled, "I'm stressed okay! I need them so I don't switch like this around you or when you're not around! Okay is that what you wanted to fucking hear!" His phone buzzed, "Who is that?" I asked with my arms folded across my chest.

"Yo, yeah I just came back from the hospital! It's alright I'm fine. The fight was yesterday dude! Get it right!" He laughed.I stood there with anger plastered all over my face, "Yeah I'm up for a party, As long as they wont be there, oh it's off ends. That's calm then I'll be there." I snatched Henry's phone, "No he wont be there, bye." I said and then ended the call.

"What the fuck Charlotte!" Henry grabbed me trying to snatch his phone from me, "You are not going anywhere. You need a break."

"Yeah a break from you." He said annoyance lacing through his voice, "I'm not your fucking charity case, so leave me alone. "He snatched his phone and pushed me away with his shoulder. Boy! "Go then, get drunk! Don't come back in here. I'll kill you myself!" I screamed.

"Fuck you!" He shouted back. I rolled my eyes walked into my room and slammed the door shut. I punched air several times and I threw the biggest tantrum, "I take it all back, I hate you Henry! I don't care about. You dickhead!" I opened the door and screamed, I didn't mean a word of what I just said and that's why it hurt. I knew that I cared about him. I don't hate him, that's why it hurts. I buried my face into my palms and shut my eyes.

"I'm leaving!" He shouted. "Say stay and I'll stay." His voice was quiet and regretful, he wanted me to say it but at the same time his pride was still getting in his face.

I opened the door and looked at how good he looked in his black Nike shirt and jeans, I'm not going to give in. I've got pride too. I shut the door again, immediately, "Stay." I whispered as he shut the door behind him. He's gone.


They are both too stubborn, kmt.

Thanks for everyone who wished me good luck with my exams! I'll see if I can get another one up after revision.


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