Chapter|| Seven

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The weekend was boring, I expected something to happen but nothing did, and now it's Monday. My first class was 'Laws of Physics' Yay! I put my phone in my pocket and headed out, Charlotte had left earlier than me. We don't have this lesson together because she had chosen the Lawyer path. However Maths, English and basic science we do have together. I don't know what I wanna be yet. Charlotte though has her mind made up. I waited outside the class room for Mrs Caplin to allow us to enter. I heard distinct chatter about Charlotte, it was Bianca. I rolled my eyes but listened in, "Yeah what a slut I heard she fucked her dad!" She said making the whole crowd laugh. My mind switched on, that's not fucking true. "Hey Bianca, watch what rumours you're spreading." I warned her.

"How cute, Charlotte wrapped you around her little finger," Bianca laughed.

I stepped closer to Bianca, my hands balled into a fist. I really want to hit this girl, "Be careful and shut your mouth, okay?" I warned her once again. I really hate when people laugh in my face when I'm being dead serious, it's another one of my triggers. Bianca continued to laugh. That's it, I punched her right in the face. Everyone gasped as I grabbed her neck, "Don't fucking talk about Charlotte when you don't know the truth, you stupid hoe." Her feet were barely touching the ground as I pulled her up by her neck. "Henry!" Mrs Caplin screamed. My eyes were turning black again as the demons filled my body, everyone tried pulling Bianca away from my grip but I didn't let go of her neck. She struggled for air. I then heard Charlotte's voice in the back of my mind.

'Henry stop, I wouldn't want this.'

Even her voice was enough to make me sane. I put Bianca down, she collapsed and everyone looked at me wide eyed and shocked even Mrs Caplin. "H-Henry go to the Dean's office." She spoke barely above a whisper. I rolled my eyes before walking towards his office. When I reached there it seemed like he had already been informed of the incident and was waiting for me, "So Mr Hart." He opened the door for me. I entered his office and sat on the chair, "After reviewing your medical letters I understand that you have an EAD, and you have many triggers that causes your explosive behaviour. I understand that it is hard for you to control it so for now there will be no punishment but I recommend a visit to our counselling at least once a week, If anything like this happens again I will be forced to send you to counselling whether you want to or not, understood?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes sir." I nodded, I need to control myself because I am not going to shitty counselling place where they speak to me like I'm some three year old. "Take an hour break and head to your next lesson which is?" He asked. "Maths." He answered his own question. I ran a hand through my hair. If I hadn't met Charlotte, a few people at this place probably would have been dead. I sat there while the Dean tried to have small conversation with me, it was excruciatingly boring.

Finally it was time for Math; I would get to see my angel. I saw her one her own walking in a direction which isn't to Math class, "Char! Where are you going?!" I ran to catch up with her. There were tears in her eyes, "Why are you crying, Char I'll kill the person who hurt you." I told her. "It was you Henry; I thought I could trust you with my secrets. Everyone's been calling me a 'dad fucker' a 'dirty incest hoe' and they don't even know the truth. My dad is a very sensitive topic for me; I don't believe I trusted you." She cried.

"Charlotte, I didn't tell a soul." I told her, "I'm being serious, I just came back from the-"

"I don't want to hear it Henry. Just go to class" She wiped her eyes with her hand.

"Well I'm not going to stop following you until you listen! Just listen. "I punched a random door not even caring causing Charlotte to jump. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Charlotte ran away from me she saw an open elevator and went inside it, I chased after her but I missed the elevator. Shit! I kicked the metal door. I then found the stairs and sprinted up them, Charlotte was heading to our room. I caught up with her and grabbed her by the waist. "Stop running from me." I exhaled pulling her close to me. We were both out of breathe we just stood there, my hands around Charlotte's waist while she held her books to her chest. " I didn't tell anyone, I swear. I heard Bianca talking shit about it and I punched her and almost killed her, but it was your voice that calmed me down. It's always you Charlotte, I don't know why but it's you." I explained, "You see I've got these demons in me. When you're around you take away my demons, you're my angel."

"Henry." Charlotte whispered softly.

"You don't have to reply just listen." I pushed back a strand of hair curly hair behind her ear.


Guys I've made a shared account with @jadeenclemmons , we are working on story.

Follow the account michellexjadeen


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