Chapter 25: The Finals Part 2

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Some of the ANBU, including the captain, were watching from outside the barrier and the captain looked frantic. "Lord Hokage! That is not the First Hokage, nor the Second Hokage, whatever they may look like!" He yelled out. Sarutobi sensei just barely dodged a kunai sent at him by Lord First.

"I'm well aware of that."
Kikyo's POV:
The first two Hokage began throwing punches and kicks at Sarutobi Sensei, making him reel back to avoid them. He guarded a punch and tried to retaliate when he was kicked away. Before being sent flying, however, he placed an explosive tag on the First's bicep and the underside of the Second's leg. He landed gracefully on both feet as he made the hand sign, plowing up the tags. I stifled a laugh. You can't explode those brought back by reanimation, they just reform their lost limbs.

Sarutobi Sensei learned this the hard way as he watched them reform their armor and limbs. He sighed and felt the roof begin to shake. He looked up at the First, who's chakra flared to life.

"Wood style: deep forest emergence." Tree roots burst to life as they weaved around the entire area near Sarutobi Sensei. He quickly bit his thumb and jumped to dodge the tree roots, ultimately being caught by them.

He struggled for a short time until he became still, focusing on getting his thumb pressed against the tree root. I didn't know what Orochimaru was planning, but sent a small wave of chakra his way to alert him to my presence. He straightened up a bit and turned to look at me, surprised. He mouthed "what are you doing here", making me giggle. I shrugged, looking back at sensei as he did so.

"Summoning jutsu: Monkey King Enma!" I moved places just in time to see Orochimaru's eyes narrow in contempt. Sarutobi Sensei whispered to Enma for a brief time as Orochimaru waited for his time to strike. "Enma, adamantine staff!"  Sensei yelled out.  Orochimaru gasped and turned to the reanimated Hokage.

"Stop him now, do not let him transform!"  He exclaimed.  The two previous Hokage punched at Enma, only to be dodged and thrown back before the monkey king climbed to another branch.

"Transform!"  Enma disappeared in a cloud of smoke, only to fly out of it as an adamantine staff and free Sarutobi Sensei.

"At last."  Sensei sighed as he caught the staff.  Orochimaru's eye twitched before a smirk surfaced.

"Good for you, old man, at least you've made things more interesting."  He applauded Sensei before bringing the sword of Kusanagi out of a snake in his mouth.

I grinned as Orochimaru swung down on Enma's staff form, causing at least minimal damage. The Second Hokage did not allow this to go any further and used a jutsu to make the entire battlefield pitch black. A snake wound itself around my waist and pulled me into the strong arms of Orochimaru, making me smile as I placed my head on his chest. He chuckled quietly and kissed the top of my head.

Sensei put his hands together to prepare a jutsu after making shadow clones and used his arm guard to protect himself from the two previous Hokage's attacks. He was then knocked onto his back by the First. Orochimaru chuckled darkly.

"Already reeling from fatigue? Come now, when will you show me this jutsu?" He questioned annoyed.  By this time, I had realized that the darkness had vanished. Orochimaru narrowed his eyes as Sarutobi Sensei locked gazes with me.

"It's already bad that you defected, but you also forced Kikyo to join you. You shall be punished for your transgressions against the leaf and Kikyo!" He exclaimed.

Orochimaru's POV:
I growled at what Sarutobi Sensei had said.  I never forced her to go with me, she chose to of her own free will.  Sensei then charged towards me and I pushed Kikyo behind me right as Sensei grabbed my shoulders.  He looked up at me and I could see the hate glisten in his old eyes.  A small hint of something else was present in his eyes, but I couldn't tell.  Kikyo's eyes widened when she realized what was going on.

"Sensei, don't use that jutsu!  It'll kill you both!"  She screamed.  My eyes widened at that remark, alerting me to what jutsu this was.

"Reaper Death Seal...that's the jutsu you're using!?  You old fool!"  I exclaimed in anger.  I could feel my soul being sucked out of me, revealing the true form of the reaper.  Fear began coursing through my veins, leading me to move my right arm enough to make the sword of Kusanagi float up and speed to Sensei's back.

"Now die!"  We both yelled at the same time.  Enma transformed back to his original self and stopped the sword just enough to keep it from hitting me after stabbing through Sarutobi Sensei.  My eyebrow twitched in irritation and slight fatigue.

"Old man, why didn't you dodge?"  I questioned, spitting the words out as pain flooded my body from the effects of the jutsu.  He simply chuckled, making Kikyo hold onto the back of my shirt tighter.

"There was no need to.  This jutsu, like Kikyo said, kills the caster and the victim by sucking out their souls, the two fighting in eternal torment inside of the reaper's belly."  He explained before coughing out blood.  I moved my arms to make a hand sign, only to find I couldn't use any of my jutsu.  Instead of using jutsu, I forced the blade in Sarutobi Sensei's left shoulder to go deeper, bringing some of my soul back into my body.  Sensei seemed disappointed in himself as he coughed out blood once more.  "It seems I'm not strong enough to kill you, but I shall take all the jutsu you hold dear!"  He threatened.  I leered at him, anger coursing through my entire being.

"You old fool, you wouldn't dare!"  I yelled out.  He pulled away and the reaper sliced down, disconnecting the soul of my arms from the rest of my soul.

"Seal!"  My arms were sealed into Sarutobi Sensei.  The next thing I knew, my arms were becoming brown.

"My-my arms!"

"Your foolishness is unparalleled, Orochimaru, my one regret was that I couldn't take you with me.  May we meet again in the next life.  Farewell, my disciple."  Sensei smiled as I yelled at him before he fell to the floor.  The excruciating pain in my arms caused me to yell out, making Kikyo jump.

"Orochimaru, let's get you home."  She whispered and placed one of my arms over her shoulder.  The sound four dispelled the barrier and followed us as we jumped off the roof, keeping the ANBU from following us.  When we arrived at the hideout, I collapsed on our bed as Kikyo sat on the side, gently brushing my hair out of my face.

I pulled her down with difficulty into my arms.  She blushed, making me chuckle and kiss her forehead.  No longer being able to keep myself awake, I closed my eyes and hoped for a night of undisturbed sleep.
Forgive me for such a long wait, but school and writer's block is a huge pain.  With this chapter, I finally feel more ideas coming to me, especially with the fact that I get to feed off of the hatred, sadness, and little bit of joy you guys pour into your comments.  For those of you who wanted me to save Sarutobi, I just want you to know I couldn't save him since I'm the one who wanted him killed off. 😂😈 thanks so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter (which is hopefully soon.) Buh-bye!

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