Chapter 10:The Third Great Ninja War

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Forgive my late updates, I have too many books I'm writing right now.  Hope you enjoy.  Remember to please VOTE and COMMENT!  Balder614
Orochimaru's POV:
Kikyo and I met our team at the gates to the village to brief them on the mission. "All right, we're on the front lines today to try and help the other teams have less people to go up against on their missions. Let's move out." Kikyo said and we immediately left. She looked at me questioningly. "How long will it take to get there?" She questioned me.

"Maybe three days. We are headed to the Hidden Stone village, after all." I replied. She nodded and stopped the whole team.

The three Chunnin looked at each other questioningly and worriedly when we stopped. Kikyo then cleared her throat and they turned to her. "Since this trip will take three days, I'm teleporting us straight there. Kamui!" She yelled out and we were all sucked into a new world and spat out on the front lines. We all looked around and I smirked.

I turned to Kikyo and quickly kissed her cheek, making her blush. She pushed it down quickly and we huddled up near a tree. "All right everyone, be careful. Kikyo will take the front followed by Nero and Haru, then Nawake and I will be in back...move out." I said and we all got into positions.  Once we were ready, we moved out, reaching an area that looked like it was recreated from the battle.  Nawake and I were separated from everyone and began battling with the enemy shinobi.  I pulled out a sword and started cutting everyone down in my path.  I then looked behind me to see Nawake getting close to dying, so I made a couple hand signs.

"Wind style:great breach!"  I yelled out, making them fly away.  I quickly weaved some more hand signs.  "Earth style:mud wall!"  I yelled out again and the wall came up right before the kunais made contact with our skin.  Nawake's eyes narrowed and he made one hand sign.

I saw some air pick up around him slightly from his chakra.  "Wood style:deep forest emergence!"  He yelled.  My eyes widened in shock.  We then saw a big explosion and heard a scream.  "No, Nero!"  Nawake exclaimed.

I watched him start running and almost grabbed his sleeve.  "Nawake, wait!"  I tried to yell out to him.  He continued running and another explosion occurred, revealing Nawake to be no where in sight.  I heard something drop near my feet and looked down, only to see his necklace.  I picked it up and placed it in my pouch, quickly finding Kikyo and Haru.  "Kikyo, Nawake heard Nero yell out and went to find him, only to be caught in an explosion.  I tried to stop him."  I explained.

She placed a hand on my shoulder.  "It's okay.  Just stay behind me and I'll take care of the rest of them."  She explained. I nodded and grabbed Haru, pulling him back with me.

Kikyo's POV:
I watched as the enemy force began running to us and smirked.  Some of their eyes widened, but they kept on running at me.  "Water style:explosive bite of the water dragon!"  I yelled out after weaving some hand signs and a giant water dragon rushed at them.  For good measure, I added in some lightning chakra.  I heard them all yell out in agony as their lives ended and I pulled someone in front of me who tried to kill Haru.  "I don't think so."  I said and broke his neck.  I quickly teleported the three of us to safety and sighed.

"Kikyo sensei, are you okay?"  Haru questioned me.  I nodded my head and he left Orochimaru and I alone.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and a tear slipped from my eye.  "I know you're not okay.  Let me help you." He pleaded and wrapped me in a hug.  I broke down and wrapped my arms around his neck, sobbing into his chest.

"I promised Tsunade that I'd protect her kid brother and I failed."  I said quietly.  Orochimaru rubbed my back soothingly.

He grabbed my chin in between his thumb and index finger, bringing my head up and he kissed my forehead.  "It's okay, it's not your fault."  He told me.  I was about to object when he pressed his lips against my own in a soft kiss. I kissed him back and it soon grew heated.  He laid me on my back and fiddled with my shirt.  I stopped him and he rose a brow.

"We're on the battlefield and not married, I'm sorry, I just can't."  I told him.  He nodded in understanding and I lost myself in his golden eyes once again.  He started trailing kisses down my jaw and neck.  His lips then grazed over a sensitive spot, making me gasp and him smirk.

He kissed my lips for a bit before going back down to the sensitive spot.  "I better mark you now before another man can try to steal you from me."  He told me, his silky voice making me close my eyes.  His lips then landed on the sensitive spot of my neck and got to work on leaving a hickey.  His teeth gently bit down and I gasped.  He then started to suck on it and I gripped a bit of his long hair in my hands, pulling slightly.  He smirked against my skin as he moved to the other side of my neck to leave one there as well.  I closed my eyes as he continued his work.  Not able to keep awake any longer, I fell asleep as soon as he finished the second one on my neck.

When I next awoke, I laid on a cot and heard deep breathing behind me.  I turned to see Orochimaru's sleeping face and smiled.  I quickly grabbed a mirror next to me and looked at my neck, finding more than just two hickeys covering my neck and collar bone.  I blushed darkly and covered it up with my shirt I had on.  I quickly found my cloak and was about to place it on myself when it was pulled out of my grip.  I landed against Orochimaru's hard and toned chest and looked up to see him smirk.  "Going to cover up my handiwork, are we?  Maybe I should leave a more noticeable one on your cheek."  He suggested.  I grabbed my cloak back and put it on, zipping it up all the way and covering my whole neck.

"Not now, we have to wake Haru and go back home."  I told him in a brave tone. My blush made it seem like I wasn't trying to sound intimidating as he pulled me flush against him.

His smirk never left his oh, so tempting lips.  "Okay, but I will later."  He told me.  My blush darkened on my ghostly pale skin and his smirk widened.  I nodded shyly and composed myself before I woke Haru in his separate tent.  I used kamui and transported all of us back to the leaf, knowing our mission is complete.

We dropped Haru off at home and I brought Orochimaru and I back to the Hokage mansion in my room.  "Now, I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to.  I need to leave my mark where it will be noticed by everyone."  Orochimaru said as he unzipped my cloak and his long tongue licked a trail from my neck to my jawline, making me shiver slightly at the cold touch.  He pushed me down on my bed and looked at my face with a smirk still playing on his lips.  "Where to leave my mark to let people know you're mine."  He said the last word in a possessive tone and I blushed darkly.  He finally decided on leaving one on my jaw, sucking and gently biting my tender flesh.  Once he was done, I zipped my cloak back up and wasn't able to hide the new hickey.  "Why don't we report in with Lord Hokage?"  He suggested and I nodded in my daze, letting him wrap his arm around my waist and lead me to sensei's office.

Give me one chance.  (An Orochimaru love story.) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now