"I appreciate your concern, but I will do just fine." He nods appreciatively. Fae nods silently and begins to start her tea.

||| Time Skip |||

"Our first activity as a family, we can decorate cards!" Fae tells Ema, placing down the card. "Wataru is coming down from his room. We have till six when Ukyou gets here, at half four I'll begin dinner, and no one should come downstairs." She clasps her hands together, sitting down.

"You planned this out so thoroughly." Ema flicks a pen, eyeing everything. Stationary to paper to glitter to stickers.

"Yep." Fae looks at everything, straightening out the pens. "Can you believe that they don't think birthdays are a big deal? I mean, they feel less insignificant when older, but it's still nice to see a surprise." Fae reasons.

"Like last year?"

"Like last year." Fae nods sharply. Thudding footsteps ran across the balcony, a fluffy head of hair poking out from the railing. "Hi, Wataru!" Fae greets.

"Fae!" He giggles, running down the stairs. "Ema!" He manages to brighten up even more, eyes shining as he stares at both girls. "It's Kaname's birthday today!"

"I know that." She taps his nose with a giggle. "That's why," she motions to the table, "we're all making him birthday cards!" She does jazz hands. Ema laughs softly as she sits down. "And we need help from a certain someone."

"Who?" Wataru asks excitedly.

"You." Fae sits down as Wataru joins her. "Who better than someone who's known him since they were a baby."

"I'm older now though." Wataru defends, blowing up his cheeks.

"I can see that." Fae smiles, laughing. "What colour card?" She hums.

"Kana likes purple, and gold too." Wataru said, grabbing at bits of card. "Oh, gel pen." Ema and Fae share a look, smiling brightly.

"We can each do our own card." Ema takes a piece of pale blue card, folding it.

"I'm gonna use yellow and pink." Wataru begins, attempting to fold the card.

"Well, I'll use royal purple and shiny gold." Fae grins, getting the scissors. They had idle chatter, decorating cards and writing inside.

"I love your bunny, Wataru." Ema smiles, looking at the animated rabbit on the left side of the card. "It's very cute."

"Very cute." Fae nods in approval. Wataru looks between his card, then the girls.

"Yours looks better than mine." He pouts, scowling at his work.

"Yours is really nice, Wataru." Fae comforts. "I'm sure Kaname will love it."

"Really?" Wataru asks.

"Really." She nods firmly. "Do you want me to write in it for you, or can you do that?"

"I'm a man, I can do it." He puffs out his chest proudly. After a while, Wataru wondered off, leaving Fae and Ema to tidy up.

"I think bonding went well." Fae shuffled paper together.

"Yeah." Ema nods, putting away glitter. "It's nice to do things like this, but..."

"It'd be better if they were all here." Fae finished. "I can't believe they don't make a fuss of these things. Life is short, they need to celebrate while they still can." She sighs, putting things away in the correct boxes.

"They don't value life as much as you do. Perhaps your job influences your views."

"Yeah." Fae agrees solemnly. "Do you want to ask the boys to sign this?" She holds up her own card, royal purple on the background and calligraphy letters on the front in shiny gold. Ema looked horrified for a second, eyes bugging out before shaking her head quickly. "Do you want me to do it?"

Fae, Ema and Family (Brothers Conflict x OC)Where stories live. Discover now