I turned my body to the side and stared at the sunrise from the window. Laying on the hospital love seat was equivalent to laying on a trail of rocks or better yet pins and needles. This unpleasantry did remind me of something much more pleasant than my previous thoughts before. The night at the hotel when Elias and I had fallen asleep on the couch—him pulling me closer in his deep sleep. I remember laying there admiring his features wallowing in his warmth, feeling as if my heart would combust in any second. The mere thought of him eased my mind.

I set the harsh wool cover aside and sat up. There was no point in trying to get sleep now. The bright side is that it's the weekend. That would give me plenty of free time to recover from this bout of insomnia. I gleamed at my sister whose mouth was wide open snoring away.

She had exhausted most of her energy last night that I expected her to rest throughout the day. When we were relocated to the fourth floor the nurses had informed me that her ultrasound and CT Scan showed no signs of bleeding anymore. Which was wonderful news as for the rib fracture nothing but pain relief could be administered since the fractures would heal on its own. If my sister continued to show signs of improvement she would be released by tomorrow.

Knowing Isabella would be fine renewed some of my lost energy. I stood, deciding that I should make myself somewhat presentable. I went to the mirror not expecting to be as horrified as I was staring back at my reflection. My mascara smudged, hair a frizzed disheveled mess and still in yesterday's clothes. I would have to endure, leaving my sister unattended was not an option. I wet a paper towel and wiped off the mascara, feeling a tad embarrassed that Elias had witnessed me this way.

"You went with choice number two. I'm Isabella Rayne Delacruz and I approve that message." She laughed groggily enacting a coughing spell.

I finished putting my hair in a messy bun and walked over to her, rubbing her back. "Sis, take it slow. I'm glad to hear you laugh but you need to rest. Okay? but first, tell me what you are talking about."

She cleared her throat as if she was about to begin a long-winded speech. "Let's see, you stay overnight at a hotel with your boss and come back with a trail of hickeys. I'm going to assume it was Elias unless you pulled a random concierge into your room. Which is very unlike you, so I'm like 100 percent sure those are from Mr. Godzilla. I'm proud of you sis. Thought you were going to be all conflicted over the fact he is your boss for like a gazillion years."

"Well you'll be glad to know after much thought I've concluded, that powerful chemistry and attraction is a combination that is almost impossible to fight. Especially if I'm going to be seeing him every day. It's a lost cause. The pull of energy we have when we're around each other is unexplainable."

I pulled myself onto the counter and crossed my legs discarding the paper towel in the trash. "Of course, those things don't erase the complications we face. We're nothing if we overlook the obstacles. But I'm not sure how I can find a plausible solution if I'm still reeling over the fact that the guy I drunk kissed at a club turned out to be my boss and then in a holy shit plot twist fashion we are very compatible together. Let me tell you the odds of finding a decent man in a club while drunk is close to none."

My sister eyes glazed over, I had probably lost her at chemistry but that didn't stop the word vomit coming out of my mouth. "Time is a construct. Time, it doesn't exist. But that fact doesn't stop today's society obsession with it. Giving it much meaning than what it is, a measurement of spacetime. Instead of being in the moment taking in how people make us feel were thinking about time. Setting things aside even if they bring us an ecstasy we've never experienced before because 'It's not the right time.' There will never be a right time." I paused, twirling my foot around, thinking of a way to put my thoughts into layman's term.

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