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Pft I wanna die.

"WHAT OH HE- I mean WHAT!?" I can't be disrespectful too my father. Screw my life. "Yep and your fiance will be coming tomorrow!" That smirk, father you really are evil, meh i'm used to it. Meet Reiji you get used to it. I do not want to be married off, what the actual hell. "But- Why so suddenly?" Ugh Yuki is all I can think of right now, no way they found out about him. "Well, we had some in tell about a boy and we found out he's not 'ranked." Oh my God they actually found out about him. "...Who told you?" I was really mad but glad? I couldn't go on leading Yuki on. "That's not important, what is important is that you do not leave the house without your brothers anymore, understand?" His face was stoic, no expression to be found. "...I understand..." Goodbye freedom of oreos, cars, pervs and others. I storm up to my room and curl into a ball and just groan in annoyance. If i'm honest I never understood how to understand the emotion 'love' I thought it was because I was so young but now, I don't know. Well now i'm meeting someone i'm going to mar- OH MY FLUFFY BUNNIES I NEED TO TELL YUKI. I grabbed my coat an ran out the house. Luckily Subaru saw this coming and ran after me to avoid any punishments.


"I'm sorry but that's how it's gotta be..." I say Chiyo was standing next to me. "But why is it so sudden?! I understand your rank but-" "Hey kid no questions, Luna we need to go home you've told him." I nod my head but never lift it up and walk away with Subaru. "What the hell Luna just why?!" I start running when I hear him shouting that. Oh screw my dad now there's going to be drama at school. I'M A TEENAGER I DON'T LIKE BEING IN DRAMA I LIKE WATCHING IT. "I'm sorry Lu.. But you gotta understand there would always be trouble if you stayed with him." I shake my head. "I don't think I ever liked him like that, to me they all seem like pawns now." I sigh. "So you finally realized what it means to be a pure blood and the daughter of the King of vampires." I nod once again but this time I lift my head up high. "I realize now I need to grow up faster than others." Subaru puts his arm around me. "Hey don't be too hard on yourself you can still go to school, you just gotta respect your title now. Also lets just teleport home, you should be able to do it now." I look up at him in shock? Is this all it took to be able to teleport? God i'm such an idiot.

---NEXT DAY---

I get dressed, well more like Laito dressed me, he chose the outfit. I didn't actually hate it that much as it wasn't too formal or too casual for an event like meeting your future husband. God i'm way to nervous for this.

(her dress if i'm honest i want this dress XD)

I walk down, I know he wasn't here yet so I ran to the kitchen after making sure my father wasn't in sight

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I walk down, I know he wasn't here yet so I ran to the kitchen after making sure my father wasn't in sight. I find Kanato an smile at him, I was about the same height as him. "Can I have some?" I ask and he hands me a piece of cake, again normally with anyone else he'd say no but we're actually pretty close. "You nervous Lulu? Teddy says you look it." "Well teddy, your right I am nervous, i'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with this person which is centuries." I sigh and finish the cake and run out the kitchen before Kanato could take a turn on his personality. I run and find myself in the living room, where I'm supposed to be when I meet him. I don't even know who this could be because seriously there are hardly any pure bloods around my age right now, all the ones I know of are married off... IS HE MARRYING ME TO AN ARISTOCRAT?! Jesus I'd prefer marrying one of my brothers. "That face you just pulled won't get anyone falling in love with you anytime soon, Lu." I turn and see Shuu lying down on the sofa. "And you lying down here when he comes will get you punishments." "Touche." He sits up. "Never expected you to be married off out of all of us." I groan. "I know right? I'm too young for this stress." I pout and bury my face in the pillow. "You'll mess up your hair." "Does it look like I care? If whoever i'm marrying doesn't like untamed hair he's got another thing coming for him." Shuu gives a light laugh.

I heard a knock on the door and then an opening of a door. I swear if Yui answered it i'll feed her to them. But unfortunately it wasn't Yui who answered it, it was my dad. Actually about die. I sit in my chair as one by one my brothers start filing in one by one. and sat beside me, leading me to be in the middle. I feel like i'm marrying an aristocrat why? BECAUSE I DON'T SENSE A NEW PURE BLOOD PRESENCE. "Luna meet Takashi Aidoru, your fiance." I stand up and bow. HE SAID THAT NAME I AM NOT LOOKING HIM IN THE FACE OH HELL NAW. I could tell he was shocked without looking at him, he was in black jeans and a short sleeved dress shirt with a black vest on as well. I'm just wondering. THE HELL AM I GOING TO TELL THE OTHERS.

I greet his parents and fake smile, making it look as real as possible but it wasn't fooling everyone in the room, but it fooled them so there you go. "Luna why don't you show Takashi-kun around the gardens?" My dad smiles. HAHAHA I hate you too! "Great idea father, follow me Takashi." Ugh i'm dying of embarrassment. "Okay I thought you were with Yuki?" He finally spoke up once we were deep enough into the forest. "I was BUT i'm not allowed to be with him ranks and all..." "So they forced an arranged marriage on you?" I nodded frowning. "What about you? How'd you get dragged into this?" He sighed and looked me in the eyes. "I'll be completely honest with you. Once you ran off after talking to you, I chased you, but when I finally found you, you were kissing Yuki... After that I didn't see a point in even trying with love so i told my mother that an arranged marriage is fine." "But why give up after seeing me with Yuki." I knew the answer... I just like cheesiness sometimes. "Because Luna... I love you."

We kissed. It was long and passionate and once we pulled away I just hugged him. "I wanted it to be you, not Yuki but what you said hurt so bad I..." I just hugged him tighter as he led me to bench where we sat. We talked for what seemed like hours, wait they were BECAUSE SOMEONE *COUGH* LAITO *COUGH* LOCKED US OUTSIDE. "It's getting late, wanna see if we can go in now?" I nod and he was about to say something then I cut him off. "Wait a second. Why didn't we just teleport in when we were hungry?" I face palmed and he just laughed. "Because we're idiots." "You might be but i'm not." I started running away as he chased me. This isn't going to be so bad... It's more on what going to happen at school tomorrow. By the just in case you didn't realize Takashi is staying with my family for a few days. Oh joy.


Ngl first day back at school and I'm already really done. Either than that I got a SHIT load of new students and teachers including a Thai girl who doesn't speak much English so I'm helping her out because when she walked in no one made an effort to talk to her and that was really rude, I want her to at least remember having a good time in england she's here for like 3 years apparently. She also likes Kpop so :>   My schools becoming really international cuz we have a boarding house now it's kinda strange to me because I'm used to being surrounded by white people? I'm not even joking when I say this is the variety of people: 1 1/2 South Africans (I'm only half South African but there's another boy), 1 1/2 Thai girls (one isn't fully Thai I think but I love her to bits), 1 Indian, 1 American Spanish and much more (my bestie), 1 chinese boy. I kid you not the rest are all white Europeans. It's really hard for me tbh because they ask really insensitive questions because I have a different appearance. Jokes on them though, I never lived in South Africa
Kay rant over bye

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