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"No freaking way, she's not using it!"
"I have to agree with Subaru this time, it's to dangerous to use it with no practice, especially when she's so young."
"Yeah but me and teddy think she can do it, plus  I think Mary will be a nuisance if she worries any longer."
"Can you all be quiet? The kid isn't using it end of story. How bothersome..."

I've been hearing these  comments all night now. Ayato and Laito have been sitting with me for about 2 hours now and when Kanade got back she got sent to her room... "Little rose~ you seemed bothered, don't worry about it it's nothing to panic about~" The way Laito said it was so fake. I know there talking about me but, what about me do I not know!? "Ayato!" I shout making the red oreo jump a bit. "What?" "Tell me what it is they need me to do! I wanna help Chiyo!!" At this point Laito and Ayato notice my tears, but I still don't.

"I heard shouting, whats up?" I hear Subaru come in and look up at him, revealing the tears. "Let me help her Subaru! I wanna help!!" He looks shocked, but soon gets his composure back and picks me up. "The thing we're talking about is too dangerous at your age." He sighs. Reiji then teleport's into the room. "It's time for school, Luna go get dressed." I look at Reiji confused, I went to school during daytime, because of my age. "Why? I don't have school?" Me still being completely clueless on what they need me to do, and what they don't want me to do. "Just go, Subaru i'll get another limo/car ready for you." Subaru nods without saying a word and puts me down.

--20 minutes later--

After waiting for about 5 minutes we finally got a limo ready to take us to who knows where. Oh wait Subaru knows but he's not telling me! "Subaru I swear to god if you don't tell me where we're going, i'll tell Laito he's my favorite brother and you know how he acts." Subaru freezes and shivers but then continued to speak. "We're going to the hospital, we need to check if we can control something special about you." He sighs slightly annoyed that he had to tell me, but by special what does he mean? I'm pretty sure we need to go to a mental hospital to check how special he is.

--Memory from when Luna was 6---

I was out in the garden with the triplets ,my mother watched over us and tried to make sure Cordelia (Or however you spell the name) didn't find us. "Big brother watch this!" I shout at Ayato who told me to call only him big brother and manage to do a back handspring. "How do you do that?!" He looks in awe. But I don't even no myself so I continue and go into a bridge from a handstand into the splits. (idk if that's possible but DEAL WITH IT) "Jeez stop already my spine is breaking just watching you." Laito comes up to me and pulls me up from the splits. "Teddy Lulu's pretty talented in sports isn't she?" I over hear Kanato say.

"There are a few special things about daughters of the vampire king." My mother says and comes and sits on the grass as we follow and I sit on Laito's lap. "Luna, and if she had another sister." Mother looks in the distance for a while but then returns her gaze to me and the triplets. "Luna is automatically flexible, like how you boys are automatically strong for your age. But only the daughters can do one thing." I got really excited because I felt super special (you don't have to feel gurl you already are.) "Luna can heal internal wounds." "Internal?" Ayato questions. "She can't heal cuts and bruises but she can heal things like heart problems, but not mental illnesses." (Sorry Kanato. Not.)

"Well can we try anyways?" Without any consent Ayato's pricks his finger on a near by rose thorn. "Ayato!" I smell blood and instantly start sucking Ayato's finger but soon my mother pulls me away. "Luna stop!" I finally snap out of my blood lust trance and hold Ayato's finger. "Sorry big brother..." I say and rub my finger over his finger, but he pulls away. "It was an accident don't worry Lu!" Laito ruffles my hair and says. "Hey teddy look Ayato's  cut's gone!" As we turn to look we hear a wretched voice.

"You three! So it was you who let them go outside.." "Yes it was me but don't you think they deserve it? Cordelia." My mother stands up and stands up and Laito holds me tighter on his lap. "Tch there not your children, Willow and it seems you cant even look after them because I smelt blood. MY child's blood." Cordelia glares at me, jeez this woman has issues. "That was my fault I wanted to get a rose for Lu." Ayato states, obviously lying. "Ayato you're going inside and studying now!" She then grabs Ayato's hand and leaves me and the other two.

"Ne Lu you kind of remind me of a rose, a little rose!" I instantly forget what just happened. "You think?" I smile because roses are my favorite flower. "Yeah i'm gonna call you little rose from on!" He replies with a smile too. "Yay!" "Lulu me and teddy wanna have a tea party with you." I nod and try to stand up from Laito's lap but he hugs me tighter and says. "I'll let you go once you say i'm you favorite brother." "Laito you my favorite big brother!~~" I say and kiss him on the cheek. "I'm so gonna tease Subaru about this!" He says happily and runs off and i skip next to Kanato on the way to his room.

==present 3rd person==

Luna didn't realize it but she remembered a very important memory but decided to forget it and make fun of Subaru and how Laito teased him for weeks about it.


Dude I miss my old house so much?

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