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Ayato's POV

"Oi why are you being- what happend to her?" I ask trying not to laugh at the knocked out Luna and a huge dent in the wall. "Sugar rush, do you know where she got the candy from??" Subaru picks up Luna and walks over to me. "Nope Kanato only shares 5 pieces a month with Lu." I look at Lu and see a huge bruise, which explains the dent. "Um.. have you guys seen-" The new human girl walks in and sees Luna knocked out in Subaru's arms. "Tch what are you staring at??" Glaring Subaru questions the girl spitting venom. "Well me and Luna we're eating candy and she kinda had tons and shouted 'I need to tell Subaru something!' and just ran off." I hear her say like it's no big ass deal. "So your the reason she's knocked out." I start walking towards the girl.

Kanade's POV

Yikes... That's gonna hurt... I say whilst looking at the dent in the wall and back at the knocked out Luna.  "YOU ANNOYING HUMAN YOUR'RE GOING TO DIE."

"Well... We found her old candy stash and she kinda ran off in a hype... It's not really my fault" I would be lying if I wasn't nervous, there vampires so i'm scared there gonna hurt me... Bite me... "You idiot... Now damn Reiji will ask why Lu won't eat her food!" Ayato yells in my ear... "Tch why do we have to get in trouble for some idiot human." He grabs my wrist. "W-w-hat are you do- AH." I...Knew it... he... bit me... Why doesn't this hurt?? I thought it's suppose to hurt... "Please stop Ayato..." I say a bit nervous and light headed, I notice Subaru took (y/n) away. Thank god for that. "Your delicious... The best yet...!" He continues to feed on me. I start getting dizzy...He's drinking to much. "Ayato i'm g-gonna pass out..." With that he pulls away. "Tch your a pain, but you help Lu so i'll let you go this time". He drops me to the floor... Ow such a 'gentle'man (THE PUNS OMG :D) I walk away to my room to sleep, I hope Luna's okay...

Lulu's POV

"Ow my head... Oh hey Subaru, why do I feel like I just ran into a wall?" Subaru gives a small chuckle and looks at me. "Because you did run into a wall, there's a huge dent in it downstairs." Well I guess i'll blame it on Subaru since he does it all the time, no one will ever know! "I did?! When?! Last thing I remember is running from Reiji... Oh dear god, HIDE ME!" I forgot all about Reiji! I'm gonna die if I don't find somewhere to hide... AHA the roof..! No to obvious... I know! I'll drive to Sayuri! I know where she lives! "Subaru i'm going to my friends, come along if you want to be 2 girls dress up toy, but don't tell Reiji where I am, otherwise I can ensure that I will die." I run to the window and open it. "Goodbye I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." I wave to Subaru leaving him confused as I already jumped out of the window and ran to the limo, to take me to Sayuri. "And drive fast please." I tell the driver where to go and to go fast. Let's just hope Sayuri understands this and allows me to stay over for the night.


"And thus if i go home I will most likely be killed by my 2nd oldest brother the tableware Otaku. So PLEASE LET ME STAY HERE FOR A WHILE." I beg on my knees to Sayuri who is laughing away. "So let me get this straight, you were on a sugar rush and was running around the mansion, you got to your brothers room and crashed into a shelf with tea sets and now he's super mad at you?" I nod my head as she sweat drops. "And I thought you were the only other sensible one in our little group at school." I shake my head. "Nope not at all. If anything i'm the most childish, I mean being with 6 brothers and i'm the youngest, you can see how that goes." I finish my story and collapse on her bed. "So did you bring any clothes?" Sayuri says going through her wardrobe. "No I thought I could borrow some of yours since, you know we're the same height, well i'm a bit shorter." Sayuri throws me a pair of pajamas's and gets her own. "Okay so you can take a bath or shower, but i'm taking a bath, my dad has already ran one." She say's.

Diabolik Little Sister (Diabolik lovers fanfic)  COMPLETEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt