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before we start. This is Yuki now.

Riki is a part of the stories core but i can't decide what he should look like so

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Riki is a part of the stories core but i can't decide what he should look like so.


"EW GET IT AWAY FROM ME EW EW EW." I run away from Chiyo and her brother Riki to hide behind Yuki. "Luna... It's homework. Come on." Yuki pats me on the back sighing at my reaction. "It's the holiday though~~ do we really need to do it?" Chiyo asks sitting on the other side of room. "You two are impossible..." Sayuri grabs my hand and takes me back to the table we're all sitting at. Yuki and Riki were our close friends but Riki was 2 years older than us, it was kind of awkward but at the same time I didn't mind it. Since he was Chiyo's brother and it made sense for him to be around.

"Guys I have to go home, I'm in charge of dinner tonight." Sayuri gets up and packs her bags and books. "Dinner, I thought your dad always cooked?" Sayuri shows a tiny bit of regret in her eyes but continues talking. "I forgot to tell you didn't I? Well me and Takashi moved in together because our parents both ended up getting full-time jobs." "Oh right I'll see you later then." I wave bye to her. Why do I care so much for him? He hurt us.

----NEXT DAY----

"Kanade I don't wanna~~" I whine. This human made me go out during the day to buy clothes. "But Luna I wanna~~" She mimics me. How dare thy mimic the princess. "Your 15 and a girl. I want to shop for you!" Kanade then drags me into another store, this is the 15th one. "HAVE YOU SEEN HOW MANY BAGS WE HAVE? I gotta go to Sayuri's later because we need to bake some stuff for school." I state hoping she'd finish up quickly. "Ugh fine 3 more shops, get you changed into something casual then we go." Oh my dear lord she actually wants to kill me. (You see my sister just did this to me on the weekend, no joke I don't like make up and she bought me a whole bag of it.)


I opened the door to be greeted with flour. Not my favorite type of flour but okay. "What the- It's summer not winter, is Chiyo trying to make artificial snow again?" I take my shoes off and walk run into the kitchen. "No! I tried that already... It didn't work." Chiyo pouts making me do my ugly laugh. "Luna just got here and it was hell even before that, how the hell do girls deal with each other?" I hear a male voice. OH DEAR GOD I FORGOT HE EXISTED. Just going to ignore him and have fun. Speaking of which.... "Chiyo hand me the flour! Don't throw it at me!" I say as she passes a bag of flour. I open it and pour it on Takashi. "What the hell!?" He looks shocked, did I make him mad? But then he begins to smirk. "Luna Sakamaki you are dead meat." He runs to the kitchen counter and grabs a bag of flour and starts chasing me around with it. "Sayuri pass me some ammo!" I shout running onto the sofa and jumping off it, making Takashi trip a bit. Sayuri giggles and grabs another bag of flour and holds it out for me to run past and grab it. "How much flour do we have? I swear we've gone through 12 already." Chiyo, who is actually baking because she loves baking, asks looking super confused. "I bought 40 bags, they were on special... I walked out that store looking like a weirdo." Sayuri sighs, taking off her glasses and wiping them quickly.

I was still getting chased by Takashi. I missed this, fooling around altogether was my favorite thing to do. "Got ya!" He yells as he tackles me to the ground. I have now found myself getting straddled by Takashi. "Click!" I hear Chiyo say. Takashi got up. "Chiyo delete that now or your dead." "You ain't in charge of me Takashi." I see them having a glare off. I cough and go to stand next to Sayuri. "Can we get on with baking now?" I ask tying my hair up into a high ponytail, fringe also tied back. "That's a good idea." Sayuri sighed.


I just got dressed into some of Sayuri's clothes because if I walked into the mansion looking like this, HAH Reiji would flip~~. I stood outside on the small apartment balcony, soon getting joined by Takashi. We had a bit of small talk buuut I just had to ask him. "Why did you distance yourself from me?" I look down at my TINY feet. "...I got a girlfriend, I really like her and she said it hurt her seeing me so close to someone like you." It hurt. It really hurt. "I-I-I-" I run out into the house, slip my shoes on and run. I don't know exactly where I was running to but. I wanted to get far away. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Lu why are you crying?" I look up at the boy who had me in his arms and felt my cheeks. "It hurt." Is all I say and bury my head in his chest. "It's okay, whatever hurt you is far away now... I'll keep you safe." I sob in his shirt as we slowly sit on the ground near the river bank.

---Takashi POV---

"It's okay whatever hurt you is far away now." Why? Why is he comforting her and not me? Did I make a mistake? When did he get so close to her? He looked right at me when he said that. I can't believe it. They slowly fell to the ground together. I really have made a mistake.

---Luna's POV---

After a while I stop crying, still hiding my face in his chest since it is embarrassing to be crying so much in public. "Wanna get some ice cream?" He ask me. I nod, as we stand up I keep my head low. "Here wear my jacket, I'm guessing your embarrassed." He puts his hoodie around me and pulls the hood up on my head. "Don't worry no one can see you this way." I keep my head down and hold his hand.

"...I... I love you Luna."

"I-I love you too..." I look up to say his name


Okay this might be really obvious on who it is but. BOOM CLIFF HANGER.

I also could've moved to Paris but that never happened so I'm still stuck in the UK which ain't too bad.

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