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I'm so tired and need to dye my hair back to a natural colour cuz my school is like that.


"Are you sure about this? It's a pretty odd year to move school Luna." Reiji looks at me pushing his glasses up. "Yeah... I need a new start. Off topic but Reiji my ankles hurt again." I whine flopping onto the sofa. "It's only a childhood thing they said, it'll be fine they said." He sighs and goes gets some medicine. I decided it'd be best if I moved schools, I've been suspended enough times, maybe I can actually do well in school. I was moving to my 'new boyfriend's' school. I don't know if I call him my boyfriend or not because we haven't made it official yet. The struggles of a 15 year old. After Reiji got me my medicine I ran to Subaru's room. Bumping into some people on the way. Kanade and Yuki. Yuki was obviously annoying Kanade because Kanade looked maaad~~. "Ah Luna-chan! You must know!" The hell? "Know what?" "Where Subaru's room is." I swear my eyes turned into fire. "I know but you don't  have to." "But-" Yuki was cut off by Kanade. "Leave her be Yuki she's had a hard day." Before I went to ask Reiji about moving school I went to talk with Kanade first and ran things through with her. Kanade grabbed Yuki's shoulders and pushed her away. I continue running to Subaru's room still wondering why Yuki wanted to know where it was. Meh who cares, I can't be bothered to give her directions and I sure as hell don't want her following me.

"Subaru-nii~~" I open his door and see him out on the balcony. I puff my cheeks out and run and jump onto his back. "Jeez I thought I got rid of you when you turned 13." He sighs. "WHAT?! How rude!" I jump off his back and fake cry on his bed. "I'm just kidding, what do you want?" "A hug." I say with my arms spread out towards him and my face screaming 'hug me'. "Who hurt you?" He ends up  hugging me and sitting on the bed next to me, making me lie down and put my  head on his lap. "Boys are mean but nice too." "You're officially banned from dating anyone." He says leaning back on his hands. "But that's not fair!" "Life's not fair." "Just like how Reiji telling you off for punching walls isn't fair?" I say look up at him. "Okay first of all I do that because as a kid you stressed me out and your mum always told us it's better to take it out on a wall than a person." He sighs. "So your blaming my mum now?" (just saying i'm English so mum/mom/mother get used to it.) I get mad at him, how dare he insult her. "No i'm thanking her because I would've put you in a coma before you were 7." I giggle but he just blushes.

"Do  I have to marry a vampire?" I close my eyes. "I wish you didn't have to marry anyone but yeah you do. A high class one at that." "Can I marry you then?" He chokes on air. "The hell no." "Then I'll marry Shuu." Shuu is my bae. "You can't marry your freaking brother." (YEAH YUKI- I MEAN WHA?) "But Haruka and Juri are already in an arranged marriage." I say. I'd rather marry one of my brothers than anyone else if I'm honest. Even my 'unofficial' boyfriend. I only went out with him because I felt if I said no it would break him. "Yes but their family traditions are different to ours." Subaru aged. He's wise now. "But other boys will hurt me, I know you guys won't." I start drifting to sleep. "Yes but your my sister nothing more nothing less."

"What's this about Luna having a boyfriend?!?" Ayato came barging in along with the other triplets.
"Little rose what have you been up to?" Laito looks towards the girl in shock. Kanato- well Kanato just stands there. "ITS NOT EVEN OFFICIAL." I scream, moving to the other side of Subaru's bed and kicking my feet around as I scream into the pillow.

"Luna your banned from dating!"

"Since when?!?"


"Up to no good?" Laito gasps dramatically. "Little rose did you loose your virginity?!?" At the point Kanato is out the room, Ayato is a spluttering mess and Subaru is choking on air.



"AYATO GET THE HELL UP I NEED YOU TO HELP ME." It's around lunch time and I'm currently in the game room dragging my brother off the sofa. "What with... Ugh it's a weekend I deserve some rest too you know." "But you love me~~" I say. "And you want to help me give Ocean her medicine." I continue. Yes Ocean still exists but love flipping Kanade more than me now. "That cat hates me." "That's the funny part!" I say managing to get him to stand up and move. "You know i'm your older brother, you should respect me." He whines. "Yeah but you love me!" Literally my excuse for everything.

"The same way you love that boy?" Ayato smirks, it soon falters when Luna was caught making gagging sounds and shaking her body. "I don't think so."


"HOW DO CATS SO TINY HAVE SUCH SHARP TEETH." Oh my god this is hilarious. I freaking love my life right now. In case you haven't noticed Ayato is currently running away from a tiny cat. He knows if he hurts her he'll be in trouble so he just runs. "Hey Laito come in here." I whisper to Laito as I see him walk past in the corridor. "What the hell is going on here?" Laito bursts out laughing, as we see Ayato on top of a coffee table hissing at a cat. "Cat v Neko boy. FIGHT" I say in a deep voice. I play too much video games with Chiyo. "I don't have ears or a tail!" Ayato screams still running around the room with Ocean biting his ankles time to time. "Yeah but I can imagine you with red ears." I say with my hand on my chin now. "Yeah but with a black tail with red tips." Laito does the same pose as me as we start talking about neko Ayato.


I just came back from a tea party with Kanato. He really freaks me out but at the same time i'm glad he's like that because I have an excuse to go back to my childish times. I ended up getting dragged out that room by Kanato because off my laughing fit but Kanato just smiled and dragged me on the floor. Not the first time someone had to drag me. This day have been interesting but to be honest, this is normal in this household. I find Shuu in our music room playing piano. "Can I listen to you, Shuu?" I creep into the room. "Sure." He says and I sit on a bench behind him watching his hands glide through the notes. Finding myself drifting to sleep

I think I hate Vampires

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did I mention I hate this book?

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