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Not Edited

(Editing is so much effort fml I swear i'm trying my best here but I might not edit the last few chapters idk)



'should i forget or confront them...?' Luna thought thinking what to do about what she found when they were at school.         "Luna come on its time to study" Said a lazy voice known as Shuu said. I quickly got dressed and opened the door.

"Morning Shuu sorry i'm late i over slept." I say with a closed eye smile.

"Its fine just come on."


Skip to after the



"Shuu why did you give me your homework to do?!" I shout mad that my oldest brother made me do HIS homework. which was super hard... Surprised I even managed to do it at all.

"Too tired, Also you did it perfectly."  Shuu said not even opening his eyes. Oh I love you too Shuu.

"Wait i did it perfectly??"I say shocked, Shuu nods " WOOO YAY. I CAN DO HIGH SCHOOL STUFF!" I shout skipping to the kitchen.

"Time for snacks!"I giggle going through the cuboards.

While I was looking for my favorite snack i hear someone.

"Ne what do you think Lu is doing teddy?" Kanato said softly behind me making me scream and Kanato laugh.

"OH MY GOD Kanato you scared me!" I said puffing out my cheeks and pouting.

"Ne sorry Luna"

"Its fine. OMERGURD Kanato-kun can we make cookies?! PLEASE!!!" I Says jumping up and down.

"Sure teddy would like to join in." He replies adding a happy me.




"ME AND KANATO MADE CAKE!!" Luna Shouts. Kanato...creepy smile as always. (gotta love plain ol Kanato)

"After dinner then we'll all have a slice." Reiji says.




"That was awesome!" Ayato said smirking.

"You guys really a did your selves" Said Laito creepily- to me anything he says is creepy.

"Laito why are you here..." Luna backed behind Shuu

"Because its dinner!" Laito said a bit offended.

"Pervs can eat in the corner." Luna pointed to a corner.





I hear loud bangs from the bedroom next to mine and immediately get out of bed to go to Subaru. I knew something was wrong. I knock on the room next to mine.

Subaru opened the door only to be knocked down by a pillow "SUBARU YOUR KEEPING ME AWAKE" (bet you were expecting a hug =3) Luna said pouting. "whats wrong you only do this when your stressed or sad." Luna hugged him.

"He's coming... That idiotic man." Subaru mumbles.

"Dad??? Why...?" Luna starts crying while subaru holds her till she falls asleep on his bed.

Luna hated fighting too much fighting happend when HE was here.

why was he coming?


anyone notice Kanato sounds like tomato and hes the only triplet without red hair like a tomato. I FIND THE WEIRDEST THINGS EVER.

Also unedited chapters won't say Edited at the start of the chapters. I want to leave them up though because editing is so much damn effort

Diabolik Little Sister (Diabolik lovers fanfic)  COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now