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Me and Subaru soon arrive at the hospital. As soon as we arrived at the front desk and found out the room I ran straight to the room. "Chiyo!" I shouted looking at the girl sitting at the side of the bed. "Luna jeez don't run off all the time!" Subaru entered the room. "Luna??" A sleepy voice says that belongs to Chiyo. "Why are you here!?" She asks standing up and coming for a hug. "Well... I'm gonna help you." "How?" "How my friend is a good question..." I turned to Subaru giving him a question look. "Obviously you know Luna is the vampire kings daughter. She has special abilities like any higher rank would. In her case it's healing." I look at Subaru in shock. IT IS?! "Since when?!" I look at him then my hands. THESE THINGS CAN HEAL PEOPLE?! "Jesus- Luna! You're the who always complained on not having super strength and said you wanted something special!" Subaru face palmed. "But healing. That sounds complicated... Why would you make me do this at such a young age!" Chiyo started giggling when she saw me pouting and Subaru mad. "WE TRIED TO STOP YOU." He shouted as if I could never understand him. "Oh yeaah." Chiyo coughed trying to get the attention of us. "Luna if you can heal him.. Please! Heal him I'll do anything!" She started begging on her knees. "Stop it! Don't do that I hate it! I'd do it anytime for you!" I said pulling her to stand up. "Really?" She started crying. "Yes really." I laughed nervously. "Lunaaaa!" She tackles me to the ground in a hug of happiness.

After about an hour Chiyo's brother wakes up. Whilst we, aka Subaru, tells me how to do this healy wealy stuff. "Chiyo..? Who are these people?" He says looking mostly at me.

Yukis POV         

My whole body feels like it's shutting down... I can't but I need to open my eyes... I turn my  head and look down and see Chiyo and another girl her age with a teen aged boy. She's so beautiful, and she looks like a goddess. So elegant, so carefree. (Luna:WAIT A SECOND WHEN DID YOU WRITE THIS?! Me:...YOU WERE ASLEEP IF YOU LET ME KEEP THIS IN I'LL GIVE YOU MORE CANDY. Luna: Okay! Keep it in!) I managed to get the words out. "Chiyo...? Who are these people?" They definitely aren't any family friends. I would know them if they were. "Yuki! You're awake, don't push yourself okay?" She comes to my side seeing me struggling to sit up. And gently helps me sit back on my bed. "Chiyo introduce us!" The girl I see as a goddess says and pouts, so cute. "Oh right um... This is Luna and her brother Subaru Sakamaki... Luna is a school friend of mine. They came to help you." I look at Chiyo dead in the eye. "How can they help me? I'm a loss cause..." I say closing my eyes. I won't get better anytime soon. I've told Chiyo to stop coming near me, it'll just be more painful for her no matter how you look at it. "No your not! I came to help you and I will!" Luna says standing up, obviously mad at what I said. "I can help you! I'm Luna Sakamaki, daughter of the king of vampires! And like any of my female ancestors I have healing powers in my blood." What? She can heal people?! And she's a princess! This girl really is a goddess.

"If... If you can help me... Please! I don't want to die." I look into her purple blue eyes, they look so much like space. You can easily get lost in them. "Of course! I won't let you die I promise." She came up to my bed side. "Where's the source of the pain?" Her brother gives me a death glare which makes me sweat-drop. "Heart." She looks at me and then back to my chest. "You need direct contact with the skin Luna." Her brother says. "WHAT?!" I see her face turn bright red. Cute. "But-BUT WHAT?!" Chiyo slaps her on the back hard but not too hard. "MAN UP... Or WOMAN UP?" I let out a small laugh. "Fiiine. Can someone undo Yukis buttons?" Subaru comes close to me and undoes the 2 buttons closest to the heart.

Luna puts her hands on my chest. Her hand are freezing. "HOW DOES THIS-" She says but stops when I can feel her hands heating up and glowing. "WHOA THIS IS SO COOL." Chiyo says looking at us. I can tell Luna is concentrating super hard but, everything she does is so... Cute.

Lunas POV

This is so embarrassing... I'm too nervous to even talk and I can feel my cheeks hotter than ever. I'VE BEEN TO FAMILY BATHS WITH ALL MY BROTHERS BUT THIS IS STILL EMBARRASSING. I'm getting a bit tired from this but I feel like its nearly over. Just then I feel Yuki starting to fall asleep. "Hey Yuki I think you need to be awake for this to work on you... Just saying." Still a nervous tomato I try and get him to stay awake for me. "Sorry i'm just a bit sleepy. It's the medicine they give me." I see... SCREW HOSPITALS SEE THIS IS WHY I'M GLAD I DON'T GET SUPER SICK A LOT. "W-well once you fall asleep you can sleep in peace nothing hurting you, or making you nervous of your life..." I can hear Subaru stifle a laugh. Why is he my favorite again? "Luna... Promise me once I wake up you'll be here with Chiyo?" I didn't think it was possible but iv'e turned into a super tomato. "I promise. Pinky promise." I knew I was finally done since my hands weren't glowing anymore. So I reach out my pinky finger and Yuki does the same. "Pinky promises are forever!" I giggle still a red mess. As he falls asleep me, Subaru and Chiyo go down to get something to eat from the Hospital cafe.

He seems nice, I hope once he gets better he'll come join us at school i'd love another friend like him, and then Takeshi won't be surrounded by girls!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED. YES AUTHOR DID IT AGAIN AND NOW I KNOW HOW TO WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER. Have fun reading the next chapter. Hopefully A lot will happen in it.


*casually goes back into hideout and plays otome games*

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