Upside Down: The Search - I'm Coming Home

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-2 Days Later-

Third Person POV:

Mackenzie: "Kyle, look out the window. We're home."

Kyle: "You know I don't like looking out the window, but okay."

Liv: "Steph, Caleb, when was the last time we came to L.A.?"

Caleb: "Like months ago."

Stephen: "Wait, our families are here? Right?"

Kyle: "I think so."

Liv: "They must be dead worried about us."

Mackenzie: "I already know who's the most dead worried."

Kyle: "So do I Kenz."

Pilot: "Attention Passengers, this is your pilot speaking, we are landing at LAX in less than 3 minutes."

Liv: "How do you think they are gonna react to seeing us being okay?"

Kyle: "They're gonna cry when they see us."

Mackenzie: "Especially Jazzy and Chloe."

After a few minutes, the plane landed.

-15 Minutes Later-

Jazzy POV:

Everyone including myself is sitting in the waiting area waiting for Kyle, Kenz and the others to arrive. I feel so bad. I've been a careless guardian. I don't deserve to take care of them.

Sprinter: "Babe. What's wrong?"

Me: "I feel like s***. I haven't been there for them recently. I don't deserve to take care of them."

Sprinter: "Don't say that. You were willing to fly to Pittsburgh just to get them. You went through the thick and this to keep them safe, especially your brother. And I know your mom would agree.

Me: "You're a sweet one. You know?"

Chloe POV:

I'm so nervous to see them.

Paige: "Chloe, are you nervous?"

Me: "No."

Paige then gives me the look.

Me: "Yes!"

Paige: "Why? They're perfectly fine."

Me: "Paige, you now how I am."

Dan: "He said he landed 15 minutes ago, but I don't see them."

Me: "Dan, stop getting me nervous."

Annie: "You're getting me nervous Chloe!"

Josh T: "Yo, is that them?"

Cameron: "Where?"

Josh T: "To the left of the blonde and brunette haired girls."

Hayley: "Those are dogs!!"

Luke: "Josh will never change."

Cameron: "Yo, I see Steph, Kyle's cousin."

Dan: "And Liv is with him."

Stephen: "Liv look!"

Liv: "No way. ANNIE!!"

Annie: "Liv!!"

Annie and Liv ran to each other and hugged. That's a real friendship right there.

Luke: "Steph, my cuz!!!"

Stephen: "Long time no see Luke. Dan. Cam! Josh!!"

Hayley: "CALEB!!"

Caleb: "The baked potato has returned."

Hayley ran to Caleb, like she was running form a beast or something.

Jazzy: "Wait, where are Kyle and Kenzie?"

Caleb: "Go down to the stairs Jazzy."

Me: "Why?"

Everyone: "Just GO!!"

Me: "Okay! Jeez!"

I follow Caleb's instructions and walk towards the stairs with Jazzy. Maddie even followed. Still no sight of them.

"Excuse me mam, you looked worried." some says to me in a British accent. I turn around and see Kenzie.

Me: "Mackenzie!!!"

Mackenzie: "Chloe!! I missed you so much!"

Maddie: "Kenzie! I was so worried!"

Mackenzie: "Maddie. I won't do that to you ever again."

Jazzy: "Mackenzie. From now on, I go everywhere with you."

Mackenzie: "Love you too Jazzy."

Me: "Wait, where's Kyle?"

Kyle: "Howdy stranger!"

Me: "Kyle!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!"

Kyle: "I missed you too."

Mackenzie: "Please don't k...."

Kyle then kissed me.

Mackenzie: "Kiss."

Me: "Haven't done that in a long time."

Jazzy: "Kyle."

Kyle: "I told you I'd get her."

Maddie: "You are one h*** of a f***ing fighter Kyle."

Kyle: "Thanks to sibling wars."

Chloe: "Kyle. From now on I go everywhere you go."

Kyle: "Wired flex but okay."

Mackenzie: "Hey lovebirds, can we go home now?"

Kyle: "Yeah Chloe, can we go home now?"

Me: "Let's go."

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