Right Side Up - Here We Go Again

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-Wednesday, May 25, 2016-

Kyle POV:

Life is calm now. I got no worries on my mind. Everyone has been great, especially Mackenzie.

Mackenzie: "So, what did you get Chloe for her birthday?"

Me: "Not gonna tell ya!"

Jazzy: "Trust me Kenzie, what he did, will top every present."

Chloe comes down the stairs with Clara.

Everyone: "Happy 15th birthday Chloe!"

Chloe: "Oh my god thanks guys. And there's so much presents!"

The door bell rings.

Me: "ChloBird, mine first. You're gonna love it."

Chloe: "What did you get me KyloMilo?

Me: "Just open the door."

Chloe opens the door.

Paige: "Hey twinnie!"

Chloe: "Oh my god Paige!"

Everyone: "Paige!"

Chloe: "I thought we'd never see each other again!"

Paige: "Me neither!"

Chloe: "Kyle. How'd you do this?"

Me: "One, my sister. Thanks Jazzy. And two, Brooke's my ex, in a way."

Chloe: "You and Brooke dated?"

Brooke: "Yeah. It didn't last long. We were like seven."

Brandon Pent: "Oh, so you're the guy Brooke dated."

Me: "And you're the guy Brooke is dating."

Josh (Hyland) walks in.

Josh (Kyle's Friend): "Your the popular Hyland brother."

Josh (Hyland): "And you're the popular sideman of Kyle Ross."

Josh (Kyle's friend): "I guess we're even"

Josh (Hyland): "I guess we are."

Third Person POV:

The kids had an amazing day after. The Hylands decided to stay in LA. The girls ultimately decided to quit competition dance, but still dance overall. Most of the girls took up acting, such as Mackenzie, Paige, Brynn and Kalani. Brooke and Josh (Hyland) went off to college in Ohio, while Paige became a full time model, even though still acting. Mackenzie became the most followed person on Musical.ly, which later changed to TikTok, and Instagram. She also took on the music career as Kenzie Ziegler, instead of Mack Z, again. Maddie was still a judge on 'So You Think You Can Dance', and Started dating Jack Kelly. Kendall also took up modeling like Paige. JoJo became a full time YouTuber. Nia, and Chloe stayed and taught at the KRTA. Kyle went back to his music career with Dan, Josh and his cousin Luke formed an official band. Cameron went on to act for the Descendants movies. Nia started dating Josh (Thompson). Kyle and Chloe kept dating. Kenzie started dating Johnny Orlando. Dan and Kalani had a thing for a while. Life went on very well afterwords.


Jana (from the first book) : "The KRTA, huh. They haven't got defeat. I'll show them defeat!"


Author's Note: That's it guys. Stay tuned for more.

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