Upside Down: Final - Ups and Downs

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Maddie POV:

After a while, I head upstairs to talk to Kyle. I just hope he's still not angry. I go up to his door and knock on it.

Kyle: "Who is it?"

Me: "Madison."

Kyle: "Come in, Madison!" he says in a British accent.

I walk into his room, and I see him laying on his bed. I sit down next to him.

Me: "Nice British accent."

Kyle: "Thanks."

Me: "What happened down there? I've never seen you so angry."

Kyle: "I'm disappointed. That's all."

Me: "In who? Yourself?"

Kyle: "Yeah, and in Ricky and Brooke."

Me: "But why?"

Kyle: "Brooke and Ricky wouldn't listen to me. They don't know who Jana really is. It's dangerous. Now, they could be planning revenge."

Me: "Kyle, look. Over the years, I've noticed you've let people bring you down. You shouldn't let that happen. You should be taller than they are. And I know you obviously know the difference between right and wrong."

Kyle: "What are you trying to say?"

Me: "Don't let anyone bring you down, because you know what to do."

Kyle: "Sid by the same person who wanted me in no part of Kenzie's life."

Me: "Um..."

Kyle: "I'm just joking around. Thanks Maddie. 'Or should I say 'Madison'."

Me: "Knock it off. Now come on."

Kyle: "Where downstairs. I'm not going down there."

Me: "Kyle, they're gone."

Kyle: "I know, but, I still need to relax. I'll be down later."

Me: "Make sure, cuz I'll send Chloe up here."

Kyle: "You wouldn't!"

Me: "Try me!"

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