Upside Down: Final - Believe

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Kyle POV:

As we approach our cars, we ran into... MACKENZIE!

Everyone: "Mackenzie!?!?!"

Mackenzie: "Oh my god, Johnny! Kyle! You're both alive!  What happened?"

Johnny: "I got short in my arm. Other than that, I'm fine."

Me: "Me, broke my arm, and sprained some muscles in my leg, but how did you get here! I thought you were..."

Mackenzie: "Kidnapped. I was. But Brooke, Josh H..and... Jana saved me. They were walking along the trail on Mt. Lee (Near the Hollywood sign) and they saw the kidnappers and their van. Josh H. saw Dan's tweet and thought it must have been me in the abandoned house. I was screaming, so they probably heard me."

Josh T: "Go on! This is a horror movie!"

Luke: "Really Josh?"

Dan: "Kenzie, go on."

Mackenzie: "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted!"

Josh T: "Don't look at me!"

Cameron: "Oh my..."

Luke: "Shut up you two!"

Me: "Ignore those three, I need to know what happened out there. Continue."

Mackenzie continues, while Josh T, Luke and Cameron argue behind us.

Mackenzie: "They came in, Josh H. and Jana were armed and Brooke got me out the basement."

Chloe: "And the kidnappers, what happened to them?"

Mackenzie: "We don't know. The van was on fire when we left though."

Johnny: "We should get this info to the police."

Me: "But in the morning, we need to go home and rest."

As Josh T. drove my wheelchair into the back of Sprinter's car, I shot a look at Brooke, Jana and Josh H. I still don't fully trust them, even if they did save Kenzie.

Brooke: "You don't have anything to say to me, Kyle?"

Me: "Uh..."

Jazzy: "Thank you!"

Luke: "Yeah, thanks."

Chloe: "Brooke, I can't thank you any more."

Chloe hugged Brooke, squeezing her with love, but she just gave back an emotionless hug.

Brooke POV:

I waited for Chloe and her friends to finally leave for me to ask Josh why the f*** Kyle is alive. I finally whisper to him.

Me: "Josh, I thought I told you to kill him."

Josh H: "I thought I did."

Me: "Well you didn't. Now we gotta come up with something different. But what?"

Jana: "We tempt the girls to do some bad things."

Me: "Like?"

Jana: "Whatever a brother or father can't stand. Think of what our fathers hated."

Me: "Jana, you're so smart, unlike this dweeb."

Josh H: "At least I burnt the van."

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