Upside Down - An ALDC Civil War

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If anyone is wondering the ages:

Chloe: 14        Kenzie: 12      JoJo: 12      Kyle: 13   Jazzy: 19
Maddie: 13       Kalani: 15       Brynn: 12    Cameron: 16
Kendall: 13        Nia: 14           Dan: 15      James: 16


Chloe POV: 

It's 11 pm and I hear my phone ring. It's Mackenzie.

"Hello, Mackenzie"

"Is it true?"

"What's true"

"That you and Kyle are dating?!"

"What! NO! Who told you that?"

"It's all over Twitter!"

I pull out my laptop and look on Twitter and see 'Kyhloe' trending. I see pictures of me and my mom at Dunkin Donuts with Ross on the other side of the room.

"Mackenzie, I'll call you in the morning"

"You better."

-7 AM-

When I wake up, I go to the kitchen and I see my mom. I don't know how to explain this to her.

"Hey ChloBird, ready for school?"


I'm so nervous to go to school. Everyone thinks I'm dating Kyle Ross when I'm not. I gotta talk to Mackenzie.

-9 AM-

"Hey Kenzie"

"Hey Chloe, everyone in your class is jealous"

I go into class and I sit next to Nia. The others are just whispering and pointing at me.

"Chloe, is it true? You two would make a cute couple."

"No Nia, It's not, and where did this rumor even start"

"Mackenzie said Maddie knows"

"Maddie, it's always Maddie"

-2 PM-

My Mom comes and picks me and the rest of the girls up, so we can go to the KRTA.

We got there and there were three buildings. They were huge.

"Mom, where do we go?"

"Well the Blue Building is for singers, the yellow is for actors and the red is for dancers."

"There's Abby...and Ross!" Kenzie screams in my ear.

Abby POV: 

I see the girls came with Christi. I just hope they're ready for there split.

Kyle: "Welcome to the KRTA!"

Chloe: "This place is amazing. How'd you achieve all this Kyle?"

Kyle: "Well it started with a TV Commercial in 2007. After that I auditioned for the Born to Dance and Zip Movies, and then BOOM!"

Chloe: "MmmmHmmm."

All: AWWW!!

Jazzy: "But you don't fully own the place yet, you're 13."

Kyle: "Thanks for killing the vibe Jazzy."

Me: "Alright girls, this week you won't be going to a competition, but some of you will get singing, modeling, dancing, and acting  opportunities, but first there's an issue we have to discuss."

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