Right Side Up - Out for Revenge

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Dan POV:

The team returned from Pittsburgh yesterday. Kyle right now is on a Monday Morning Rage. At the gym, he lifted more than he usually does. And the ran the way there and back. He's shouting all the time. He almost broke his PS4 controller.

Kyle and I follow Jazzy to the dance studio today after the girls' big win. He was reluctant at first, then decided to follow us.

Jazzy: "Girls, moms, this week we are going to Dance National Dance Competition in Santa Monica. Nia, you have a solo to redeem yourself because all season, you haven't won a solo. It's a Contemporary piece called 'I'm with you'. I got a duet and a trio. Chloe, Kendall and Brynn, your trio is called 'Shining All the way home'. It's also contemporary. Mackenzie, your duet is called 'Illusion'and yes, it's Kyle's dance.

Kyle: "My dance! That means I'll be here all week."

Mackenzie: "I got the Illusion dance!"

Melissa: "You said it's a duet. So, whose her partner?"

Me: "Another one Ross!"

Jill: "Another what?"

Jazzy: "Dan, you already know who it is."

Me: "I do? I do know! Your cousin!"

Jazzy: "My cousin Nate. He's 12 and a great hip-hop dancer."

Nate: "Hi everyone."

Everyone: "Hi."

Kyle: "Whoa whoa, I don't get a simple 'hi' from you do I Nate?"

Nate then walks over to Kyle and they do their handshake.

Jazzy: "Now for the group. It's lyrical."

Girls: "Yay!"

Jazzy: "It's called, 'Thank you.' You might hate me for this but, it's a tribute to.....Abby."

Everyone: "Abby!!?!?!"

Jazzy: "Abby is the one who made you stars. She put you guys on stage with a new routine every week. And you won most. She put it on TV, where the 'Dance Moms Fandom' started. It's about saying thank you to her about that. So let's put or differences aside about what she did with James and Blue to us. Let's do this."

Girls: "As a team!"

Christi POV:

Me: "I just can't believe Jazzy is doing a tribute to Abby."

Holly: "I mean it's weird because, she started all this tantrum."

Kira: "And Jazzy might not remember that she replaced all of those kids before our girls."

Jess: "She should change that dance."

Melissa: "Let's just stick with it. We know the Rosses takes risks. "

Holly: "But, she does it too much. Both of them."

Me: "We need to get that out of them."



Kyle POV:

I'm on my phone in the studio, while Dan is editing. I go on Twitter to look what the heck is going on in this world other than Donald Trump.

Me: "Dan!"

Dan: "What?"

Me: "There are rumors of you online dating Millie Bobby Brown, Maddie's friend who's going to be in Stranger Things, which releases later this year."

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