Upside Down - Kyle Ross

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Authors Note: Again, I just wanna say Kyle and Jazzy Ross are Fictional Characters.


Chloe POV:

Oh my god! I can't believe it's Kyle Ross!! And his sister Jazzy! She's like an idol to everyone!

Third Person POV:

Kyle Ross is a 13 year old prodigy, known for his singing, and acting in the Disney Channel show, "Life as Friends". Jazzy (short for Jazmine) Ross, his older sister is a 19 year old entrepreneur, dancer and singer. She now owned the KRTA, which used to belong to her father.

Both are from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and are of African-American and Jamaican descent.

Kyle POV:

"Move it nitwits!" my sister shouted at the paparazzi outside, as we tried to get into the Dunkin Donuts.

Our bodyguard finally got us inside, after all the commotion. As I walked in, the first person I saw was... Chloe Lukasiak. I actually can't believe it's her.

Jazzy POV:

After we finally got inside the Dunkin Donuts and all the people inside were freaking out to see my brother and I. Even the employees are rushing at everything they were doing. I looked over to my right at my brother, and he was staring at a blonde girl that just left the building.

"Kyle, KYLE!"

"Yeah! What?!" he responded. He was totally off guard.

"What are you gonna order?" I asked him.

"Oh, I want a strawberry banana smoothie."

"Ms. Ross, you might want to hurry up. This place is going nuts." my bodyguard, Will, came over and whispered in my ear.

Acting fast, I payed for our smoothies and rushed out the building, with even more paparazzi following.

Chloe POV:

He looked at me! He looked at me, then walked away. I hope he knows who I am.

"Mom, you think he knows who I am?"

"Obviously! He starred at you!"

I looked back over at the commotion, then asked my mom, "Mom, you think I still have the part?"

"I honestly doubt it." she sighed in respone.

Third Person POV:

"Jazz, while we were in there, I think I saw Chlo..."

"Chloe Lukasiak. Dance Moms."

"How did you know it was her?!"

"I was going to call her up for the commercial I wanted you both in, but her dance teacher won't allow her to be in it."

"You mean Abby Lee?" Kyle asked. "Fifty. Got a bad temper and an immense appetite?"

"That Abby Lee."

"Are you gonna speak to her?"

"I don't know Kyle, I don't know."


Author's Note: Get ready for the next chapter! It's gonna be competition weekend.

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