true love

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A/N- Song for this chapter is let her go by passenger

-| despotism- an exercize of absolute power

Crystals POV

I thought Neverland's terrain was odd. One second we were swatting flies in a grassy land. The next we were shivering as light snow fell on the ground. It was like all 4 seasons combined into one land. There was the occasional conversation, nothing too deep. That and running from the characters to make sure we didn't mess up the past, it was more uneventful than I expected, these characters are so oblivious.

We began to scope out hiding places where nobody would expect anything. This grew to be like a routine, while our presence may have been known, nobody seemed to make a move against it. The strange feelings were seized. Peter was able to control himself in Neverland, since he was in charge, but here he would switch between the person he really is, and the person he wanted to be. The closer we were to magic, or to Rumplestiltskin, he would be irritated and on edge. Magic changed his son. If we didn't hurry and find siren the boy I fell in love with would be long gone.

Meanwhile on Neverland we didn't know what was happening, what was going on or anything, since we had no way of contacting the boys, being in the past and all. I just hoped Henry was safe. His family cared for him so profoundly, I figured he'd be alright.

But I still don't understand why we need him now, what use is he to Pan? None that I could really think of, Neverland was strong, it didn't need that much power.

Suddenly I felt light headed. And I fell into a confused Peters arms.

Peters POV

When she fell I panicked. Then I remembered. She can't leave the island for very long, only the real world, or Neverland. I picked her up bridal style. We had to quicken our pace, I didn't let her go, I was almost sprinting, quite carelessly. As the night came I slowed down. Crystal stirred. I sighed. We could rest here and leave at first dawn. It was safe for the time being.

"It's okay Crystal. Well get you to safety and be back home, in Neverland in no time."

She nods and drifts off to sleep in my arms. And I savoured those precious moments where she was in my arms. She was like a silent angel.

I assumed that Felix was taking care of the island, he was truly the only one I even remotely entrusted to do that task. He was to let Henry go right after we get back, I wanted Crystal to have a proper goodbye. If we kept Henry, the island and everything on it will collapse, Neverland gets drunk with too much power.

It's not easy being Peter Pan. Because the one moment I fall in love. Or understand what love really is. I have to let her go.

Crystals POV

When I wake up I find Peter watching me. I felt the anger kick in me, and finally all the questions I had been waiting to ask just poured out of me "Why are we going after a siren without those objects? What did you mean by sacrifice Peter? Why don't you trust me enough to tell me?"

He sighs. "If I tell you you won't come. Please Crystal just trust me for once! And I do love you" he says looking at me with his pretty green eyes.

I nod. I could tell he wasn't lying. But he's not telling me something, and I knew that for sure.

They say curiosity kills the cat. But not the Crystal. I was a survivor.

And if that siren wants to have me she can get me herself.


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