swan song

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A/N- I just wanted to say thanks to everybody, this story I never imagined it would have this effect on me but it has! I wasn't going to continue it because of how busy i am with school. But i realized I should, I strongly suggest going back and rereading this book because i edited it quite a bit, my writing skills have improved and I added some things I think reflect the characteristics of the characters, with added detail. I'm sorry for such a long wait, but I have written 5 chapters in advance. I think I will stick with 40-50 chapters and it'll be the end! As for a sequel I am not entirely sure yet. I appreciate you all so much! love -areej 

the next chapter is like 3 times the length of this sorry not sorry

p.s some dialogue is directly from the script of ouat because I wanted to make it more realistic. Also this is the longest chapter I've written so far so ENJOY 

Song for this chapter- Swan Song by Lana Del Rey.

swan song-| a farewell appearance or final act or pronouncement

Crystals POV

Of course it didn't last long, when we woke up, Mary Margaret and David barged through the door, awaking everybody, they had an eerie look on their face, and I braced myself for what I was going to hear next. "Emma and Regina managed to capture the witch, they brought her into the jail cell, restrained her magic, but in the morning, David went to check on her, and she was gone. Hook and Emma saw this odd commotion, and we think it's the time portal" Mary Margaret stated.

I wanted to knock some sense into them, but she was pregnant, so I guess they were trying to stay out of trouble. I rushed past them with Peter following behind me, we rushed outside, the chilly atmosphere was unsettling, we saw the commotion the minute we stepped outside. It was green fog engulfing the house where the witch was plotting her self indulged plans. We rushed towards the house, and I saw Emma get sucked into the portal with Hook.

Emma has done so much for me, I guess it was rational thinking, maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I jumped into it, before it disappeared.

I hit the ground with a thud. I got up, taking in my surroundings. I gasped when Peter fell beside me shortly after. "If you want to go plummeting to your death, at least let me accompany you" he says with a small smile. Emma and Hook were nowhere to be seen.

I glanced around, I felt the biggest knot in my stomach. I knew this place all to well. It consistently still haunted my dreams. I was 'home' at my fathers house, where it all started. Peter sensed my discomfort, and he steadied my shaking hand. "Time portals are tricky, we can't disturb anything that happens, or it will change the course of history" he says steadily glancing around.

I sighed. "We have to go inside don't we?" He nods.

I recalled that if a time portal truly does work, it takes the traveller back to wherever they were last thinking of, I suppose my past was lingering in my mind, and here we were.

We open the door using the key I left under the mat, just for emergencies. We found a perfect spot to hide, and then the drama, and the memories started to unfold.

A five year old, past me was dancing around the living room, with my parents, back when all was well, back when I felt like my family wasn't broken. I didn't want to witness any of this, so I closed my eyes and leaned into Peter's touch breathing heavily, he didn't say a word as I watched my hell unfold.

Emma's POV

The grass was glaucous, the trees were everywhere, scattered at random. I could feel the magic throughout the air, glistening.

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