xxvi | Earth's True Potential

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The theatre for the talent show was packed.

Scarlett wore a tight, white dress that stopped just above her knees with matching colored heels. They were a bit higher than what she was used to, but nothing she couldn't handle.

She also started to freak out when she found Pythor replacing one of the judges in the third chair. Did he eat him?

But then her focus returned to what was most important at the moment; the second Fangblade.

The teen headed to the back, observing her teammates going over their dance. They all wore striped suits and top hats with their corresponding colors.

"You guys," she interrupted rather worriedly.

Kai peeked his head to the side to get a better sight. "Well you look very nice."

"Thank you," she acknowledged, though didn't pay too much attention to the compliment. "But we have a problem."

"What is it?" Zane asked.

"Pythor's here as a judge. It's so freaky, I think he gobbled the real judge up whole. Eugh," Scarlett grimaced.

"I guess they're being as secretive as they can, too. It must be working if the judges aren't saying anything about it," Cole pointed out.

"Or maybe they don't want to be eaten like their friend?" Jay suggested. He was definitely right.

"Is there any way you can keep your eye on it?" Zane asked the teen. "Maybe prevent Pythor from getting his hands on it?"

She pressed her lips together and sighed through her nose. "I can try. I have a little trick in my head that could possibly work for so long... but for you guys to get it, I think you're gonna have to really win this thing."

Her watch started to beep. "Oh, wow. I'm up. Good luck, you guys. I'll be watching from the side." She hurried off, heels quickly clacking as she made her way to the front of the stage from the left.

Backstage, Cole didn't like her idea much despite it possibly being the only way. "We don't have time to really win this thing. We just have to keep this charade up long enough so we can steal the Fangblade."

"Such aggressive wording," the performer in blue muttered.

What Cole didn't expect was his father to appear from the right side. "What? You... you were going to steal it?"

Now he fucked up.

"Dad, I..." He mentally prepared himself for the truth and potential bad reaction as he walked toward him. "Dad, I didn't mean for you to hear that, but... but I'm glad you did. There's something I've been wanting to tell you."

He was right in front of him now. The other three stayed back. "All these years, I haven't been training to be a singer or a dancer. I found something new that I'm really good at!"

Lou was surprised to say the least. He said nothing yet.

"Dad..." Cole spun into his brown tornado, reappearing in his black gi. "I'm a ninja." When his father gasped, he debated stopping right then and there. The others took off their hats as he went to retrieve his scythe.

"And the truth is, if we don't steal that Fangblade—I mean, Blade Cup, there's other people that will. Bad people. Serpentine. And we need it to save the world. I... I know how ridiculous this sounds, but I'm proud of who I am. And I want you to be proud of me too."

Cole placed his hands on his father's shoulders, hoping for a positive response.

But Lou pushed him away, his tone both disappointed and angry; two of the worst possible outcomes. "I can't be proud of any son who thinks stealing is right." He slowly backed up. "And I'm not going to wait around to watch you make a mockery of our family's legacy!"

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