xxxv | The Great Devourer

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The sun was beginning to set. All five ninjas sat inside the train car, Cole yawning. It had stopped moving after about fifteen minutes of driving away from the separated car.

Nya sat on top of it. "This is really boring..."

Scarlett rested her back against the wall, shutting her eyes. She wished she could pull her mask over her entire face to sleep.

"If you guys see me dead, just know it's because I fell asleep during the invasion of a giant snake."

Jay smacked her on the arm. "Don't say that."

To their rescue came the close sound of a distant engine. When the anchor of the Destiny's Bounty penetrated the roof of the car right behind Nya, everyone looked up with smiles on their faces.


The child in green proudly waved at them. "Hook, line, and sinker!"

"To Ouroboros as fast as you can!" Kai ordered.

"Aye, aye, captain!"

He raised the ship higher, lifting the trail of cars in the air. They would arrive much faster now.

Wu and Pythor were fighting inside the racing head of the car that was near exploding. When it crashed, both were left under the rubble.

But the serpent managed to get up first, all four Fangblades in his hands. He slithered toward the city that seemed so close.

Yet it proved to be farther than he expected. By the time he arrived to the center of Ouroboros, the sun had fully set, allowing the moon to rise in the night sky.

He slithered up the stairs and toward the mouth of the Devourer's stone statue. "Finally," he began as he placed each blade into the open holes of four fangs, "the Great Devourer will be awakened."

With each placement of the blades, they glowed bright with slight shimmers rising. Pythor evilly chuckled, returning back to the center. "Perfect..."

The sky no longer appeared a dim gray, but instead a mucky green. This was due to the evaporated venom that rose once the toxic liquid poured from the fangs of the statue.

The poison dribbled down and around the dark stone that was in the shape of a swirled serpent. Pythor's chuckles turned into maniacal laughter.

"It's working! Awaken, great one! Awaken the insatiable appetite of the beast that will consume all of Ninjago!"

Wu finally caught up. Unfortunately, he was far too late.

"What have you done!?"

The snake wasn't fazed one bit, turning around with a wicked smile. "Don't you see? Releasing the Great Devourer is the only way to get back at the people of Ninjago for locking my kind underground for all of those years! We should have been the ones ruling the surface, not you!"

The sensei only glared at him. "You are playing with a power that cannot be controlled. It will consume everything. Even the Serpentine!"

The former didn't acknowledge his last words and focused on the breaking stone. "Unleash, Great Devourer, and be free to do my bidding, for I have awakened you!"

At this moment, the ninjas finally arrived. The first thing they noticed was the irregular color of the sky.

"Okay, Lloyd. Put us down right after that truck," Kai warmly commanded. The child in green did as told.

They all started running toward the scene. Lloyd was a little behind, but made it to them in seconds. Even with those little legs of his, the boy sure could run.

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