xiii | Samurai X

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"Focus. You must first create the flame in your mind. When you feel its presence in your grasp, control it."

Standing on deck, Scarlett closed her eyes and held her hands out in front of her chest. They were separated by a few inches. His words replayed on loop in her mind.

She tried to create scarlet fire in the gap between her hands. Nothing too extra, maybe about the size of a basketball. Though perhaps she was trying too hard; her face was extremely scrunched up and her fingers had a very slight quiver.

A heavy breath she had been holding in for too long suddenly released from her throat. Her eyes shot open.

Upon realizing that there was no fire, she sighed and lowered her arms.

"Sensei, this is difficult."

"Of course it is. I never said it would be easy. And besides... you've sort of completed the task."

Scarlett looked down, finding both of her hands lit up. She softly gasped, flicking them back and forth in hopes of getting rid of the flames. Unfortunately, they were still bright and unmoving; this made her frown.

"But you must fully complete the task: create the flame and make it dissipate, all on your own accord." Wu pointed his staff at her. "Your powers appear out of nowhere, uncontrolled, and that's the challenge. You have to overcome this obstacle to master your ability."

"Yes, but... I'm no good at overcoming obstacles. Is there a simpler way to control my powers?"

"No!" He bonked her on the head with his staff. A little eep left her as she rubbed where she was hit. "Remember, I mentioned you were a different case than the other ninja. All of your abilities will take time to form... have patience."

Her question was how patient she needed to be.

¤ ¤

Cole and Zane—in his pink gi—realized they were heading right into a trap way before Kai and Jay did.

They were forced to fight against the Constrictai general, barely winning; of course, they managed victory due to having the Sacred Flute.

Though there was something of deep concern they discovered. On the walls of the cave, Zane had read, "Well it says here, once they unite, they can find the four silver Fang Blades that will unleash the Great Devourer; an evil that will consume all of the land, turning day into night."

This was something they'd have to talk to Wu about.

By the time Kai and Jay arrived at the foul-smelling bogs, the Venomari were already out and waiting for them.

Of course, they had no idea.

They walked in front of the tomb, Jay opening it with a simple touch. The harsher smell overwhelmed them for a moment.

"P-yew," Jay expressed his disgust. When his voice echoed through the long cave, he giggled.

Kai sighed. "Stop fucking around. Let's just make this quick before Pythor gets here."

But while Jay appeared ready to enter the tomb, Kai heard a little splash nearby. He mistakingly followed the sound.

The ninja in blue poked his head out from behind the rock. "This place looks empty. We must've just missed them. Check this out." Standing in front of the stairs again, he shouted, "They said you're the Green Ninja, but I say I am!"

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