xxxi | Serpentine Ambush

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The next day, everyone stood in front of the Fangblade locked up in a secure cage. Even while not in its previous habitat, it still had that gray glow to it.

"So... will one of you tell me why it was in the bathroom of all places?" Wu questioned his team.

Standing in the Bridge, he was beyond baffled when Nya had to run to the restroom to retrieve it.

"Because in case Pythor had snuck on board, we needed to make sure it was in a well-hidden place. Where even he wouldn't think to look," Scarlett explained matter-of-factly. "Because who the hell would assume the Fangblade'd be under the bathroom sink?"

"Even I wouldn't have thought to look in a place like that," Garmadon muttered, proving her point.

"See? We were so right," Jay gloated as he and the teen gave each other a high five.

"What do we do now, Sensei?" Zane questioned.

"If Pythor has the three other Fangblades in his possession, he will now be coming after us," Wu told them all. "We must make sure to prepare ourselves. No matter how far we fly... he will be sure to find us."

"So let's destroy this thing once and for all," Kai confidently suggested. "If it's gone by the time he gets here... he has no shot of awakening the Devourer."

"Then we set a path for Torchfire Mountain," the sensei told his team. "Nya, how long will it take us to arrive?"

She hurried over to the large keypad, rapidly typing in letters. A slight frown dragged across her face. "Unfortunately, the fastest we'll be there is sunrise tomorrow. It's only a little less than twenty four hours away from our current location."

Cole lightly sighed through his nose. "It's the best we've got. We just have to hang on for as long as we can until we get there."

Scarlett was curiously looking out the window. "I dunno. I have a bad feeling about this already."

¤ ¤

The Bounty was flying over solid ground, nearing a mediocre height mountain. There had still been no sign of the Serpentine, and for almost two weeks.

Scarlett was staring up at the large screen. She hadn't left the Bridge since their brief meeting earlier. Right next to her was the gray Fangblade. Even now, it still glowed bright.

The sound of tiny footsteps walked through the opening. "Hey, Scarlett. You should probably go outside... Uncle's asking for you. The ninjas are training."

She looked down at the son of evil. "Oh, I didn't realize... I'll head there in a bit."

Lloyd grabbed the blade to inspect it. "Huh... so, what are you doing anyway?"

"I've been trying to find a solid location on the Serpentine... by now they've found the fourth Fangblade, no doubt," she told him. "So I'm worried for when they come after us. It might be when we have our guard down. I want to try and be a step ahead."

"Makes sense... but how?" he asked.

"Well... like this." Scarlett glanced up at the screen momentarily again as she said, "Hey, Bridge? I need a full sonar sweep of Ninjago."

In seconds, the computer gathered what she needed. However, on the screen, there was no sign of any snakes.

"If we could find out where they're resided, I could make sure to steer us very clear from that location. The further we are, the better. And like Kai said earlier: if we destroy that Fangblade before Pythor finds us, he won't have a chance to accomplish his goal."

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