xxx | The Green Ninja

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In just seconds, the volcano erupted. Blasts of flaming lava burst. No normal person would survive such an explosion.

Except a single ninja. In one of those small little bursts, a ball of fire arose and made its way to the Bounty. At first, they were confused.

The closer it got, the better they were able to see the ninja of fire encased in that protective cover. He held a shaking Lloyd, who couldn't believe what was happening.

"What... is that?" Scarlett faintly asked, forcing her head up to look.

"It's Kai..." Jay muttered before announcing, "he's found his true potential!"

Eyes glowing, the red ninja landed on deck right in the middle of everyone. He unintentionally dropped Lloyd.

Kai lowered his mask, a smile on his face. His entire body had a red aura, flames completely coating him.

Wu caught his gaze. With a soft smile, he nodded; finally, he had learned the real method to earn his true potential.

Whatever that was.

When his power fully subsided, Kai fell unconscious. Nya was the first at his side, Cole and Zane next. Garmadon helped Lloyd to his feet. Jay held Scarlett as the two looked over at the collapsed elemental. Wu took control of the Bounty as they eventually left the wretched place.

It took a bit for Kai to awaken. Once he did, they all walked into the Bridge. Their mission was a success.

In concern, Nya placed a hand on Scarlett's shoulder. "You okay?"

She was standing up now, recovered from the attack on her body. The teen lightly smiled. "I'm okay now. Just needed a minute."

Lloyd desperately clung onto his father. He was still a little shaken from the entire ordeal. And especially now with finally acknowledging his new form.

"Dad...? Is it really you?"

Garmadon refused to let him go. "It is, Son."

Lloyd looked up at him. "Dad... why do you have four arms?"

Cole smiled. "He's gonna be okay."

The others cheered at this.

Both the child and his father now turned around to look at their hero. The latter, with a grateful smile—for once, he didn't appear intimidating—said, "Thank you, Kai."

The ninja warmly nodded.

"But how did you survive?" Zane asked. "How did you discover the key to unlocking your powers?"

"I knew when I had to make a choice," Kai began. "I thought finally being able to fight Pythor one-on-one—and defeat him nonetheless—I thought that would prove I was good enough to be the Green Ninja.

"But then I figured it out. All of my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the Green Ninja..." He stared right at the pair of son and father. "It was... to protect him."

Garmadon's smile dropped. Lloyd was lost.

When the others realized what he meant, they were shocked. Jaws dropped.

Yet the child hadn't taken it in yet. "What? What is everybody looking at me for...?"

Nya gasped. "That means..."

She took her brother's sword and nunchucks. Kai took Cole's scythe. The latter took Zane's shurikens. They brought the weapons in front of Lloyd. Garmadon had no choice but to step back.

Once they made close contact, the fated weapons glowed. A green, transparent elemental string of sorts opened up, surrounding the soon-to-be fated hero.

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