xvi | Returning to Action

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The way everyone sat down in front of Scarlett brought back memories of literally less than a week ago when she was being somewhat lectured about her powers.

Jay was staring at her wrapped arm. "I think you've sat here saying nothing for long enough."

"Mm... no, I don't think I have."

"Okay, enough joking around," Cole gently reminded the group, bringing everyone back to earth. "If you were attacked this bad, that means whoever did this to you is dangerous. We need to be on our guard and make sure to take them down."

"Uh, about that..." Scarlett lightly scratched the side of her cheek with her finger. "There isn't exactly anyone that did this to me."

Seeing everyone look at her strangely, she buried her face in her hands. "I don't wanna say it... you might not even believe me."

"A legend of walking, talking snakes isn't even a legend; it's real life, and it's kicking our asses," Kai told her with a small smile. "I think we'll believe whatever it is you have to say."

This did reassure her a bit. Along with the others, even little Lloyd, waiting for her to tell her story, she felt it would be best to start from the first time it happened.

"Okay," the teen began, "so... the night Sensei talked to us about my powers—and Jay if you cut me off at all during this I'm going to burn you—" He appeared offended. "I had a nightmare.

"It was like, all black, everywhere. And there was fire. Everywhere. But like, my element-type fire. And everything was kinda fine until this big dragon came out of nowhere! So I didn't know what to do... I was scared because it was being super hostile for absolutely no reason, and so... it ate me. And then I woke up not eaten."

They all stared at her like she belonged in a nuthouse, which worried her. Lloyd asked the question they all had on their minds.

"So... what does that have to do with you looking like you came out of an American war?"

She frowned. "Well you have to let me finish... anyway, I was fine for the whole day while you guys were out fighting snakes. So when we all went to bed, I had the same nightmare again. Same surroundings, same dragon. I was still scared, so I thought it was a great idea to show some fire, maybe scare it off a little... not a good idea."

Scarlett lifted her arm up a few inches. "That's when it gave me this thing. It was super angry. And then I kind of begged to get eaten because the pain was excruciating, and it ate me. Then I woke up all sweaty and shit and with the scratch. And Nya was basically there for the rest, and then so were you guys."

There was silence for a bit.

Nya then spoke up, saying, "Well, I like how you tell your stories... sorta."

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"It's not that we don't believe you," Zane told her. "It's just very... bizarre."

"Yeah! While that all explains how you got the wound... it still doesn't make sense how it like, transferred over to you outside the dream," Jay added.

"Yeah..." Her eyes fell to the floor. "I don't know either."

Wu had been silent the whole time. After hearing her story and the slight discussion, something clicked inside his head.

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