xxxiii | Lost Fangblade

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No one could tell what the weather was at the moment. In just a few hours, thunder and lightning struck the air. Rain vigorously poured down, causing the ship to tilt every now and then.

Wu sat in his quarters, meditating as he looked through the smoke. In his vision he saw his ninja fighting the Serpentine.

But then he saw Pythor. Just the two of them in what appeared to be the center of Ouroboros. And worse, the sound of a wild creature growling.

When he turned around, the largest snake ever known to man rose from the ground. It roared, and then there was nothing. The smoke disappeared.

With a gasp, the sensei opened his eyes.

Kai and Nya sat in front of Jay and Scarlett in the dining room. The ninja of lightning took a bite of his sandwich, scrunching up his nose. It needed a bit more flavor.

Scarlett held the glowing silver Fangblade in her hands, flames coating its entirety. Her face was just inches away from it, eyes boring into the fated object. She focused so hard, as if she was trying to break it.

"Why is it that Torchfire Mountain is the only place we can destroy the Fangblades?" Nya asked. "I mean, we literally have her."

"Because the Fangblades are made from the original teeth of the Devourer. They're so strong, they can only break down in extraordinary heat... like, real extraordinary."

Scarlett sighed in irritation, the flames disappearing. The blade was only very slightly bent at the tip, and one wouldn't even notice if they weren't closely staring at it.

"Sigh. So there's something out there even hotter than my powers?" she sadly questioned.

"Uh, yeah. Molten lava. You might be able to take control of it, but when you aren't, it's way hotter than your flames."

She blew a baby raspberry at him.

"Hey, could someone pass the salt?" Jay politely asked.

When the ship shook and tilted again, the salt slid right to him. He caught it with a grin.

"Hey, thanks!"

Cole opened the door, his face the most ugliest shade of green. He had definitely thrown up already. He was just as unstable as the Bounty.

"Please," he begged, "no one... talk about food." With the ship tilting, he moved with it; his balance was way off. "How much longer until we get there?"

"Not long. Hey Cole, you're looking a little green over there." Like a bitch, Jay smirked and held up his sandwich. "How'd you like a mucous salt sandwich?"

His face puffed up before he leaned over the edge to violently vomit.

"Gross." Scarlett squirmed. "At least close the door."

Jay lowly chuckled. "Speaking of green, who would've guessed little Lloyd Garmadon turned out to be the Green Ninja?"

"I know. He was such a brat at first," Nya recalled with a slight roll of her eyes. "It's hard to believe he's gonna become the greatest ninja that ever lived."

"I believe it." Scarlett shrugged. "Honestly, it should've been predictable. Evil, corrupted father who's forced to fight his heroic son of justice? It sounds like a book and/or movie trope."

Jay blinked. "I... think you're exaggerating a little."

Kai aggressively cleared his throat, still stuck on the whole greatest ninja thing. "Speaking of which... where is that little runt?"

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