"Who put you in charge!?" Jesse said.

"You're not the only one who can give orders." Petra retorted. "Just because you like to boss everybody around doesn't mean-"

"Guys, stop." I stood up, getting in between Petra and Jesse. They were like siblings- getting along one moment and fighting the next.

"Lukas-" Petra started, but I cut her off.

"Okay. How about you try to go after Eerste," I said. "And I'll stay here with Ivor, Crest and Jesse."

"They're going to die!" Jesse raised his voice.

"They won't." I told him. I put a hand on his shoulder. "They can handle themselves."

"How are they even going to find him!?" Jesse's eyes were still blazing.

I ignored Jesse's death glare. I looked at Petra. Her expression was unreadable.

"He's in a desert biome about twenty chunks south of here." Crest said. Everybody turned to look at him.

"Okay." Petra said after a moment of silence. "Come on, guys."

She finally backed off, picked up a few things, and Axel and Olivia got up as well.

"We'll be back before you know it." Axel said, before following Olivia and Petra out of the cave into the rain.

I sat down, letting out a sigh. I looked over to the others. Crest was talking to Ivor about something, and Jesse was staring off into space, his eyes still burning. I really did hope Petra, Axel and Olivia didn't get killed. I don't think I would be able to take it if any more people died.

We sat there for what felt like forever. I shifted my position a little, and pulled out my journal. It was a different one from when we were portal hopping. I only had a few pages filled in it. I started it when we got out of the True End, and I didn't think to fill it out after I started... turning. I had filled in the missing parts of the journey so far a few days prior, and I started to write what just happened today.

A thunderstorm caught us off guard as we were traveling through a birch forest biome. We took shelter in a cave. Petra had the idea of fighting Eerste immediately, and Jesse opposed her. Olivia and Axel took Petra's side, while Ivor took Jesse's. I split the two apart and told Petra that she go after Eerste and I would stay with Jesse, Ivor and Crest. Crest somehow knew exactly where Eerste is- if he wasn't lying. I don't really know much about him. But so far I can tell he can read minds, since I heard him talk to Jesse in the True End. Maybe it's possible that he can sense things from far away. It's impossible right now to tell.

When I looked back up, Crest was looking at me, and I quickly glanced away. I knew he was half-enderman and all, but not even Jesse acted that weird. I took a breath. I looked at Jesse, and I could tell he was still tense.

"So..." I tried to think of something to talk about to maybe lighten the mood. "What's up with everybody?"

"I'm thinking," Ivor replied. "How long it would actually take to find the shards- and if we find them in time."

I felt my muscles tense.

"We will make it in time." Jesse snapped.

Ivor ignored him and asked me, "How many times have you turned?"

I took a minute to count. "I think... about seven."

"How long has it been since the last time you turned?"

"Last night."

Ivor paused for a minute. "Do you still have that book?"

"No." I sighed. "I left it back in the temple."

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