Red Lipstick and Eye Rolling || Chapter 35 ||

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Getting up the next morning was a struggle as I barely got any sleep. I'd see Mon Papillon every I closed my eyes, only being able to fall asleep from pure exhaustion. I crawled out of bed, pulling an oversized sweater over my head and pulling on some leggings. I pulled on some ugg boots before running my fingers through my hair and untangling any knots.

I walked into the bathroom, wondering what to do about my lip but sighed. There wasn't a lot. I guess today was a make-up day. I applied my foundation which stung a little and decided on a winged eyeliner to make my eyes look nice. Though, my lip was still visibly injured. I looked at my lipsticks, trying to decide on the colour as I only have bright colours.

I chose a deep red, liking how it covered the split and how it contrasted with my pale skin. I blew a kiss at myself in the mirror and chuckled, walking out and heading to school.

The air was slightly chilly but nothing I couldn't deal with. I remained alert the whole time, not wanting to be surprised by Mon Papillon again. I could've sworn I saw her red hair in the corner of my eye, making me speed up slightly.

I was early to school but I couldn't stand being home alone with my thoughts, so here I was. It seemed only Nino and a few others I didn't really know were here but I was thankful for at least one friend. So, with a smile on my face, I made my way over and surprised him by sitting down next to him.

He pulled his headphones off and paused whatever he was doing on his laptop before turning to me, smiling. I gave him a smile back, gesturing to his laptop.

"What're you up to?" I asked, genuinely interested. Whether he was listening to some cool music or watching a movie, it was nearly always exciting with Nino.

"Testing out a new DJ program on my laptop. It's got some wacky beats but I think I can make them into something cool. What are you doing here so early?" he explained before questioning me while raising an eyebrow curiously.

It really shouldn't have surprised me that it was a DJ program. This was Nino. I scooted closer, having a quick look at the program. A bunch of colours and things I didn't really understand. Nino seemed to understand and enjoy it.

"I couldn't sleep and didn't really want to be at home. So, here I am" I said with a small smile on my face, looking outside and seeing Mon Papillon. I stiffened and stared at her, shocked she'd be so open.

Nino put his hand on my shoulder, drawing my attention and looking at me questioningly. I turned back and saw nothing. I don't know if I was relieved she was gone or if I was nervous she was in the area and I don't know where.

"Sorry, I thought I saw something" I said, dismissing it and looking back at him with a smile. He grinned and pulled out a pair of earphones. Why would he need them? Well, it turns out he had an adaptor so we could both plug in our headphones and listen to him play around. And those wacky beats sure were cool.

My earphones were pulled out, bringing me back to reality. I looked up confused and saw Alya and Adrien. I tapped Nino, alerting him of their presence. He grinned and packed all his stuff away before greeting his soulmate with a quick kiss.

I smiled at them, loving that they were made for each other. Adrien put his hand out for me to take and I did so happily. He pulled me up faster than expected and I crashed straight into his chest, laughter bubbling from both of us.

"I like the red" he said, smiling softly. Placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away, giving him the duckface and crossing my eyes. He chuckled and booped my nose.

"You've managed to cover the lip quite well. I'm impressed" he said, looking closely at my lip. I rolled my eyes and pushed his face away from mine.

"Yeah, well. I'm the best sooo" I joked and turned away from him laughing. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes at me. But he agreed anyway, making my heart flutter.

More and more students started piling in, including a panting Marinette who looked like she had only just woken up. She ran over to us and gave us a breathless greeting. We all tried our best to stifle our laughter but little amounts snuck through.

I snorted, trying to keep my laughter in which set off Adrien and I blushed. He wouldn't stop laughing and I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at him with an eyebrow raised.

"I-I'm sorry, Princess. B-But it-s too funny" he said, barely getting his words out over his laughter. He sounded like Heaven and as much as I pretended to be annoyed, I couldn't be. Especially if he continued to laugh like an angel.

I was openly swooning over my boyfriend, but you know what? I wasn't ashamed. He was gorgeous and sounded beautiful. And he was all mine, for as long as he decided, because I wasn't ever going to willingly leave him.

I decided I'd stop openly swooning since Alya was snickering and kept tapping Nino's arm, trying to get him to focus his attention on me. I straightened myself out and blushed slightly, wrapping my arms around one of Adrien's.

He'd finally stopped chuckling and we all headed to class, sighing at the sight of Chloe glaring in our direction.

"Today's going to be fun" I groaned quietly, making Nino laugh. Adrien smirked and looked down at me. I rose an eyebrow in confusion. Why is he looking at me like that? He winked at me and lent down, kissing me slowly, in front of everyone.

That sneaky cat. He kissed me in front of Chloe, hoping it'd rile her up. I pulled away from him and chuckled, pushing myself away. I sat in my seat next to Nathanael who smirked at me. Oh, not him too.

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