Ink and Soulmates || Chapter 1 ||

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The move to Paris was perhaps the calmest of moves ever to have existed. Nobody was stressed and it seemed like everyone could breathe a little easier. Although if you inhaled too deep, you'd choke on Marie's cloud of perfume.

Paris, this city would be my home for hopefully a long while. My father's wife had gotten a promotion which called for us to uproot our life and move. Thankfully it was within the same country, I don't think I could have coped if I moved to a different country and had to learn a new language.

I sat in my new room, on my bed while surrounded by boxes. Luckily most boxes held only my clothes but some held other things. I sighed and stretched before jumping off my bed and opening the first few boxes, putting my clothes into my wardrobe.

"How's the unpacking going in here?" I heard my father ask from my right. I turned to him with a smile and gestured to the boxes, of which most were empty or on their way to being.

"Ah, so it seems you don't need help" he chuckled lightly, a warm smile staying on his face. I grinned and shook my head.

"Sorry Papa but I have this handled. Plus, do you really want to deal with your daughter's underwear?" I asked amused, placing my hand on my hip. With a yelp, my father turned away quickly and left. I laughed to myself before putting away the rest of my underwear.

I collected the last of my clothes before turning back to my almost full wardrobe. I separated the clothing, putting them in their rightful places before turning around and walking over to the last box. The box stared at me dauntingly. Everything else was set up, so I knew this held my photos and posters. I opened the box up and stared at it's contents for a second before sighing.

I quickly stuck up my posters which were mainly of Jagged Stone but there was the odd comic superhero one. I loved comics and superheroes. I liked the idea of getting lost in their world. I turned back to the box, letting my shoulder's slump. A picture of my mother sat there, staring up at me. With a bitter smile, I took her out of the box and placed her next to my computer.

"Now you can always watch over me, Mama" I spoke quietly. There were a few other framed photos of my parents and I from when my mother was still alive and I placed them on my desk and the shelf above. The rest of the photos weren't in frames and so I stuck them on the wall above my bed. They were of my friends and I, the memories were precious to me. There was plenty of room for more and I smiled at the thought of new faces being up there.

I walked over and stood in my doorway, looking at my set up and I couldn't help but smile. A new start. On the wall to my right was my wardrobe and a floor length mirror, the bed sat on the wall in front of me in the middle, a desk against the wall opposite my wardrobe and it held my two-screened computer. The wall opposite the bed was bare as my father and I were talking about a tv potentially going there.

"Not bad" I heard Marie from behind me. I rolled my eyes, walked into my room, and closed the door on her. Marie was the woman my father married after my mother died. It was fast and I believe he just didn't want to be alone. My mother was his born soulmate which apparently is rare to find. However, after Marie found out that mum was his soulmate, she's been bitter about the subject and it's been forbidden to even mention soulmates. Therefore, my father stopped giving me heartfelt explanations of what it was like.

Soulmates were a topic I didn't know a lot about. I wish I knew a lot more so I could understand just how much my parents loved each other but Marie took that away from me. I sighed and curled up on my bed, looking at my bare wrists. After staring at them for a while, I sat up and grabbed a pen from the drawers next to my bed. I took the cap off with my teeth and carefully wrote on my left wrist.

' Are the rumours true? '

I sighed and sat back against the headboard, waiting. I don't know why I was waiting. The person could be asleep, soulmates being able to write to each other using their own skins might not even be true. There are plenty of different reasons why nothing was happening.

' Apparently so '

I stared at the new words written in neat hand writing. I contained my happy squeals, knowing my father and his wife would be getting ready for bed. What do I do now? I probably shouldn't give out all my personal details, even if this person is my soulmate.

' Wow, um well I'm R and I'm 15 '

R, that seemed all right. They didn't have to know much more about me other than maybe my gender. I hope they aren't freakishly older than me. What if they're like 27 and have a family? Oh my god. I'd be a home wrecker.

' I'm 15 too and feel free to call me A '

I smiled softly down at the words. My soulmate, they had written them. My very own soulmate! I looked over at the photo of my mother.

"I have a soulmate my age, Mama" I said softly, a fond smile on my face.

' you're not like a dude or anything right? '

' not that it's wrong. I just don't swing that way '

I bit my finger to stop myself from laughing. Apparently, my soulmate rambles. He rambles, cute.

' I'm a girl, lucky for you '

' I have school in a few hours and I don't know about you wherever you are but I need some sleep. Goodnight A '

I wrote quickly before putting the pen away and sighing dreamily. I wonder what he looks like or what country he's from. He's fluent in French which is good.

' alright, goodnight R '

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now