Birthday Boy and Found Family || Chapter 44

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((I know, I know... anyway, here's another chapter.))

The group had decided to play Ultimate Mecha Strike III. This involved a lot of competitiveness and yelling.. both excited and outraged. Overall, it was a lot of fun and Adrien was enjoying himself which was the main thing. Everyone had easily agreed to our plan of turning tonight into a night to celebrate his birthday because his dad.. well, sucks.

"You and Mari didn't have to do this for me." Adrien whispered softly, reaching for my hand and giving it a soft squeeze.

"I know we didn't. We wanted to because we love you, we all do." I replied with a fond smile, squeezing his hand back.

"Take that! I ground you into dirt, how does that feel?" Alya shouted at Nino with a bright grin, causing said boy to laugh. "Feels like someone's been taking her losing streak personally."

Chloe snorted in laughter, trying to hide her giggles behind her hands. Naturally, this attracted the attention of Alya who snatched Nino's controller from his hands and handed it to Chloe. "Come on, I need to create a winning streak."

Chloe looked at the controller unsure, not knowing how to play. Before I even got the chance to help her, Marinette had slid in next to her and started explaining the controls. Adrien sat forward, getting invested in the match when it looked like Chloe was going to win her first game.

"Holy crap, I did it!" Chloe shouted, jumping up in excitement. We all congratulated her and Alya even shook her hand. "That was a good game, you're a quick learner."

I checked my watch before a small smile stretched myself.  I stood and reached my hand out for Adrien. "Come on birthday boy, it's time to experience a birthday." I grinned, guiding him to the dining table.

Marinette was organising the box of cupcakes as I had Adrien sit at the head of the table and our friends stood around him. Adrien looked a little uncomfortable and a little unsure but he trusted me. Marinette soon came over with the cupcakes, some even had lit candles before we started singing Happy Birthday.

Adrien grinned brightly, looking around at all of us and then down to the Ladybug themed cupcakes. "I love you all." He said with wet eyes. We all piled on him and his chair to give him a group hug.

"I'm sorry it's just us here." Marinette said softly, knowing how badly Adrien wanted a relationship with his dad. "Don't be. You guys are the only family I need."

I pressed a big kiss against his cheek as he grinned and picked up a cupcake with ladybug frosting. "Mari, did you draw tiny Ladybugs on the cupcakes?" Adrien asked in amazement, making the raven-haired girl blush.

"She did! And the detail is crazy.." Alya said, peeking at the cupcakes. I watched as Nino stopped Alya from pulling out her phone to take pictures. "I mean.. there's detail there that you wouldn't know unless you spent a lot of time around her."

"Riva has. She's been telling me all the little bits and pieces, wanting them perfect for Adrien." Marinette explained with a proud grin. I couldn't work out if it was for lying successfully or because she genuinely was proud of her work and so she should be.

Adrien's hand pulled me closer and he hugged me to his side with a grin. "They're perfect Marinette, truly.. thank you." He thanked her before taking a bite. "Ofh mi gosfh." He said with a full mouth before looking embarrassed and apologising after he'd swallowed. "They're delicious too!"

"Of course they are. My girl Mari made them!" Alya grinned before grabbing her own cupcake and having to keep Nino away from it. "Get your own.." she scolded quietly.

"Happy Birthday Adrien." I said softly, pressing a kiss to his head. I knew his life was challenging, in more ways than one, but I wanted to ease that where I could. I wanted to be the calm in the storm. He smiled up at me so perfectly that if I wasn't already in love with him, I would've fallen right there.

"Riva, you're the best thing to ever happen to me." He said softly, keeping the moment private while our friends were bickering over the cupcakes. I smiled softly and leaned down to kiss him as I played with his hair. "I aim to stay that way." I replied before picking up my own cupcake. The amount of time, effort and art that Marinette put into these cupcakes.. it would almost be a crime to eat them. Almost. Because it would really be a crime not to.

"Is everyone getting personalised cupcakes for their birthday now?" Nino asked, finally getting his own cupcake instead of trying to steal Alya's, which the girl seemed pleased with. "Maybe not cupcakes but I can do desserts for birthdays."

"Don't listen to him, Mari. You don't have to go out of your way." Alya stated, giving Nino a disapproving look. "No really, it's fine. I like doing it, it's like a present in itself and I get to make it." She said with a bright smile and her hands up defensively. Nino grinned and a quiet 'awesome' left his mouth. Chloe smiled sadly.

"I'd like some but my mother would only allow the most expensive things to be at my birthday.. but maybe another time?" She offered hopefully. Marinette gave her a supportive smile. "Of course, who says I can give a friend something nice randomly anyway?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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