Meeting Mon and Papa Meets Adrien || Chapter 31 ||

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I woke up the next morning with Alya's head laying on my legs and Marinette hanging off the couch. I stretched out, trying my best not to wake the two girls. I slipped off the couch, replacing my legs with cushions for Alya.

I giggled and snapped some photos, saving them for later. I checked the time and realised I should probably get home and spend some time with my father. I quickly scribbled down a note, thanking Marinette and her family for having me and apologising for leaving early.

I placed the note on the coffee table before pulling my shoes on, putting my phone in my pocket and leaving quietly. Paris was nearly silent this early in the morning. The smell of coffee hung in the air and I inhaled deeply before sighing in content.

A thump behind me had me whirling around. There stood a tall redhead in dark green. She was the same height as Adrien if not taller and wore a suit similar to Ladybug.

"I thought it was time to introduce myself, seeing as you've heard so much about me" she spoke. Her voice was delicate but unnerving. I swallowed nervously, knowing who she was immediately. She took a step closer, looking down at me which made me feel a lot smaller than I normally am.

"I'm Mon Papillion but I think you know that already, don't you?" she asked, leaning down and placing her face directly in front of mine. I nodded cautiously and felt her breath fan across my face.

I watched as her eyes gleamed with mischief and burned with a fire I was yet to see elsewhere. The right side of her mouth ticked up into a wicked smirk that left every hair standing on end. This girl wasn't a superhero or a Miraculous user. Adrien's thought was right, this girl was a villain.

Without much thought, I slammed my head into hers and shoved her onto the ground before turning and running down some alleyways. I needed to get away and I needed it fast. Zig zagging and constantly turning corners should help keep her off my trail, at least for a little while. My heart was pounding and I couldn't breathe properly. Although, I couldn't tell if that was from the running or the impending panic that was rising in my throat.

I burst through my front door and slumped against it, struggling to catch my breath. My dad walked out of the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Are you all right, love?" he asked, eyeing me off. I nodded and rested my head back against the door. Finally, I got my breathing under control and I stepped away from the door.

"I was just spooked by something, it's okay Papa" I explained, giving him a small smile. He nodded and smiled back. Though, I noticed the cheeky smile he had. I rose an eyebrow at him, folding my arms over my chest.

"So, when am I going to meet this soulmate of yours?" he asked me, looking expectant. I blushed deeply and tried to hide in my hands. But he wasn't having any of it. He walked over and grabbed my wrists gently, pulling my hands from my face.

"I want to meet the only other boy in the world who will love you as much as I do" he told me seriously. I nodded my head, smiling up at him. He wrapped me up in his arms, holding me tight.

"Your mother would be so proud right now" he whispered, placing a kiss to the top of my head. I grinned brightly as tears gathered in my eyes. He pulled away and tried to wipe a tear away without me noticing.

"I miss her too, Papa" I said sadly. He gave me a grateful smile and walked towards the couch. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, bringing up the text conversation with Adrien.

Are you busy today? -Riva
Surprisingly, I'm not. Got something planned? -Adrien
Actually it's a two in one -Riva
Oh yeah? -Adrien
My father wants to meet you and I have information on Mon -Riva
I don't think one text has ever made me this nervous before -Adrien
Are you telling me that you're scared, Chaton? -Riva
Pfffffft......maybe a little. Meeting your dad is a big deal -Adrien
He'll love you xx -Riva
If you say so -Adrien

"He's on his way, Papa" I called out. I heard a splutter and some coughing. Concerned, I walked around the couch to see that he had spat out his coffee. I rolled my eyes and used some of the tissues to wipe up the mess he had made.

"I get to meet him today?" he asked me, looking excited. I nodded my head and collected all the coffee stained tissues before putting them in the rubbish bin in the kitchen.

"You've technically already met him" I said, hoping to get his brain running. A knock on the door had my father off the couch in milliseconds. My eyes widened when he opened the door to a nervous looking Adrien.

"Adrien! Well, I am definitely happy to see you here. Come on in" dad said, opening the door wider, welcoming in my soulmate. I smiled sheepishly at Adrien who lit up when he saw me. Dad put his hand on Adrien's shoulder causing the boy to flinch. I stifled a giggle but watched my father intently.

"I have two rules: Love her as much as I do and no grandchildren until I'm old and ready" he stated, causing both my cheeks to light up a nice shade of red. Adrien looked slightly uncomfortable but he handled it well.

"Then I have a rule as well" Adrien stated, surprising both myself and my father greatly. Adrien was making rules for my father? I started fiddling with the ends of my sleeves, hoping this would go well.

"And what would that be?" my father asked, genuinely interested in what the fifteen-year-old boy in front of him had to say. Adrien's face hardened and he looked as serious as I've ever seen him.

"You keep her safe. From whoever, whenever. I never want to see that smile of hers fade."

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