Panic and Blushes || Chapter 7 ||

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Alya dragged Marinette away and I waved goodbye to them. A light pink was dusting Adrien's face and Nino kept bumping him. Oh no, please tell me Adrien isn't crushing on me. I anxiously bit my lip and looked up at both boys. I forced a small smile on my face but felt guilty about accepting jewellery from someone who isn't Chat.

"So, Riva where did you and Alya head to when Embezzler showed up?" Nino asked. I groaned, remembering just how terrible it was. My heartbeat went up just thinking of being in that situation again.

"I don't ever want to be in that situation again. I'm sure Alya filmed it for her blog" I stated, running my hand through my hair. I can imagine that I'd be sore later. Nino pulled out his phone and searched up 'Ladyblog'. We all huddled around, waiting for the latest video to load up.

"I really dislike you right now" My voice was heard from the phone and the video was blurry and we ran. Alya stumbled and fell onto the ground, after I pushed her into the alley.

"Guys, she's going out there herself. Ladybug, Chat Noir. Wherever you are, you need to be here. Now." Alya said into the camera, looking desperate. Alya turned the camera so it was facing me while I taunted Embezzler.

We watched as I dived out of the way, looking like a superhero myself. And I had to turn away from the camera as my breathing started to pick up yet again. I held onto my hands tightly and I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to regulate my breathing once more.

"Riva?" Adrien asked, his hands on both shoulders. I looked up at him and he looked concerned. I loosened the grip I had on my hands and just stared into his green eyes.

"Are you all right?" he questioned, genuinely wanting to know the answer. I shrugged. He sighed and put his arm around my shoulders, leading me away from the park. We started walking around the area.

"Are you trying to walk me home?" I asked him. He nodded before realising he didn't know where I lived. I chuckled and lead us towards the right street. I wonder if Chat would come if I asked him to. I mean he's probably busy. He has a life outside of being a superhero.

"What are you thinking about?" the blonde next to me asked. Would he know about Chat? What could I learn about him from Adrien?

"Chat Noir. I want to know more about him" I stated, watching Adrien's reaction. He seemed to blush. So, he does know Chat. He opened his mouth as if to say something but stopped himself. I rose an eyebrow at him.

"You want to thank him for saving you today, don't you?" he asked, avoiding looking at me. I turned back to facing the front and looked down at my feet. That's not why I wanted to know more about Chat at all. I want to see him. I want him to make me feel safe, to stop my heart from beating so fast it might fly out of my chest. I want this anxiety to stop.

"I actually want to see him" I said, forcing the words out of my throat that felt like it was closing. I got angry at myself for getting this worked up when I know that everything is fine. I spotted my house and pointed it out to Adrien, who nodded.

I thanked him quietly at my door before unlocking it and walking inside. I lent back against the door and let out a shaky sigh before heading up to my room. I slammed my door shut behind me and sat on the edge of my bed, holding my head in my hands and forcing myself to breath at a normal rate.

"Come on Riva. Breathe, just breathe" I spoke to myself, trying to calm down. The more I wouldn't calm down, the angrier I got at myself. I grabbed at my hair and cried out in anger. Stop being stupid, come on. A knock on my window caught my attention and I looked up, spotting those glowing green eyes. Before I even had to think about it, I crossed my room and unlocked my window, letting the blonde in.

"I just wanted to check in on you, I'm glad I did. Come here" he explained, pulling me to his chest. I held him close to me, listening to his heart beating. My ear flat against his chest. Each breath I took was shaky but his arms around me was slowly calming me down.

"I'm so angry at myself. I have no reason to be this upset" I said lowly. Chat pulled away and held me at arm's length, looking straight into my eyes.

"What you went through today was scary. You're allowed to be upset. I was after the first villain I faced and the adrenaline wore off" he said softly, offering me a small smile. I nodded, taking in his words. I sighed in relief and nodded, finally feeling my heart beat slow to normal. I smiled back at him.

"Thank you for coming. I was actually going to ask to see you." I said shyly, rubbing the back of my neck. Chat wiggled his eyebrows and I pushed him away, laughing loudly.

The sound of a door closing caught our attention. Chat looked around for a place to hide, before slipping under my bed. My door opened and my father stood there.

"I heard about what happened today, are you all right?" he asked, walking in, and putting a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and slumped my shoulders, nodding my head.

"I'll be okay Papa. You should continue looking for jobs or Marie will be upset" I stated. He chuckled, nodded his head, and left. I sat on my floor, waiting for Chat to crawl out. Instead he grabbed my foot and pulled it so I fell on my back. I squealed and laughed, rolling away from his hands.

"Get back here, beau!" he called out. I looked over my shoulder at him and grinned cheekily.

"You have to catch me, Chaton" I spoke with a flirty tone in my voice. Chat grinned and crawled out from under my bed and ran towards me. I ducked under his arms and ran out of my room.

"I thought you were a superhero" I called over my shoulder. I heard a scoff and footsteps quickly catching up to me. Curse my little legs. I jumped, launching myself over the couch and thought I had managed to get away.

I thought wrong.

Chat threw himself at me, causing both of us to crash into the ground. We were both giggling like little kids when a beeping noise was heard. Isn't that his ring telling him he needs to go? Chat sat up and was straddling me as he answered a call on his staff. I blushed heavily and brought my hands up to my face, listening in to the conversation to distract myself from the very attractive boy currently straddling me.

"Chat, what are you doing active?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Lady"

"I was patrolling Embezzler's apartment in case of any reakumatizing"

Chat looked down at me while Ladybug was talking and smirked. I squeaked when I saw that stupid, sexy lopsided grin.

"What are you blushing for, beau?" he asked, winking at me. I completely covered my face, to stop him from seeing just how red I was going.

"Chat, where are you?"

"My new favourite place in the world"

"Does that place involve a girl?"

"It most certainly does"

"Leave the poor girl alone. She doesn't need your perverseness"

"I think she likes it just fine"

"Are you with her right now?"


"Mysterious girl. I apologise on behalf of my partner. He sees something he wants and he goes for it"

"Rude. But very true in this case. Talk to you later, Bug"

I peeked up at him through my fingers and he grinned down at me. I turned my head away in embarrassment. Chat got off me and put his hand out to help me up. I hesitantly took his hand and he pulled me off the floor.

"You certainly get very blushy with any physical contact, it's cute"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now