Irritations and Girl Friends || Chapter 24 ||

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Other than the occasional glimpse of Anthony outside, lunch was quite enjoyable. I managed to get Adrien to stop thinking about me and my 'safety' for a while which was a bonus. And while everyone else was calming down and enjoying themselves, my anxiety and paranoia was trying to swallow me whole. I could feel Anthony's eyes on me and it was like they were staring into my soul, trying to force me to reveal my deepest, darkest secrets.

"Riva, Marinette and I are planning a sleepover tonight. Want to come?" Alya asked. I nodded quickly, forcing a smile on my face. Anywhere but home. If he really is stalking me, he knows where I live, that I'll be alone for a while.

Once again, I felt my heartbeat increase and my palms started to sweat. To calm myself I started running my index finger over my forearm as if it was a pen and I was drawing Chat/Adrien a picture. Hands bigger than mine grabbed both my wrists, forcing me to stop and jump.

"Are you all right?" Adrien's worried eyes stared into my own. If I wasn't freaking out, I'd probably get lost in the sea of greens. I gulped and looked out the window, seeing that Anthony had left. I barely nodded my head but I felt Adrien squeeze just a little tighter in reassurance before letting go.

The blonde boy stuck close to me on the way back to school, maybe even closer than before. His arm was around my shoulders and a hard, unfriendly look was etched across his face. For someone who always looks like sunshine, Adrien can also be quite intimidating.

Nino and Alya went back to pretending to be spies while Marinette made sure they didn't hurt themselves while they jump around like idiots. I couldn't help but laugh a couple of times or take photos of certain moments, promising myself to print them later. Occasionally Adrien would squeeze my shoulders tighter and I pinpointed it as whenever he'd spot Anthony.

Getting back to school was easy and fine, I felt like we were all overreacting. Although movies, books and even video games taught us that stalkers are dangerous.

"Adrikins! Where have you been? I've been looking for you" Chloe exclaimed, throwing his arm off my shoulders and pushing me out of the way. I glared at the back of her head before Nino grabbed my arm and dragged me off.

I know that nobody knows Adrien is my soulmate and not even Adrien knows I know but seeing Chloe cling all over him like she does and push me out of the way is infuriating. I should lay off and breathe because it's just Chloe being Chloe, trying to get what she wants but Adrien's mine already.

I growled lowly before inhaling deeply through my nose and being placed in my seat next to Nathanael. Nino made a 'stay' motion like I was a dog. I rolled my eyes but nodded anyway Nathanael looked curious.

"You looked so angry, you could've murdered someone with that glare" he said, hoping to ignite the conversation. I sighed and ran my hand down my face. How do I explain it to him without sounding creepy or mentioning soulmates.

"It's just Chloe being extra Chloe today. Sorry if I almost killed you" I joked at the end, laughing quietly to myself. Nathanael covered his mouth and laughed loudly. Adrien walked in looking uncomfortable with Chloe hanging off his arm and yapping about her lunch.

I forced my gaze down to the desk and started doodling with my pen, trying to keep my mind occupied. I couldn't just snap and go crazy. People, Nino and Alya mainly, knew I dating Chat Noir. So, if I got defensive over Adrien, it'd put suspicion onto him and I'd never forgive myself for that.

I sighed heavily, knowing I'd probably get in trouble if the teacher saw my drawing on the desk. Though, right now, getting sent to the principal's office seemed like a better idea than staying in this classroom and watch Chloe give my soulmate flirty eyes.

I gripped my pen tightly, feeling my anger levels rise. I took deep breaths, remembering that this Hawkmoth guy feeds off people's anger. If I just completely ignore Chloe's existence, then she can't bother me.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, drawing my inner strength. Soon enough I had completely blocked out Chloe and the rest of class was rather enjoyable. Kim was cracking jokes that made me and a few others laugh, Marinette stumbled over her words when Adrien would join in on her and Alya's conversation and Nino was pretending his sheets of paper were a DJ board.

When class was finally over, Alya dragged Marinette and I to Marinette's bakery. Alya sure seemed excited though as she took lots of back roads, turning a short walk into a long jog. I was confused but watching Alya huff and puff as we walked through the door to the bakery was amusing. I was suddenly glad I was taking martial arts classes as my fitness had gone up.

"I didn't want your stalker knowing that we're here" she explained finally, gesturing towards me. Both Marinette and myself nodded, appreciating the thought. I couldn't find the words to describe how much I wanted Anthony to leave me alone. I hoped it was all a sick joke or maybe he was just akumatized.

I snapped myself away from those scary thoughts when I entered Marinette's room. Everything was pink and the walls were covered in pictures of Adrien. I cringed slightly but couldn't help but admit that he did look mighty fine.

"oh I'm sorry. It must be weird seeing pictures of your best friend like that" Marinette pointed out. She wasn't exactly wrong but just replace 'best friend' with 'soulmate'. I shrugged and turned around, grinning at her.

"I have pictures of him on my wall, granted they are a little different to yours" I said, chuckling into my hand as the girl went bright red. Alya laughed and jumped onto Marinette's couch.

"You know, I'm glad you moved to Paris" Alya said, looking over at me. I smiled kindly, greatly appreciating her words of kindness. I fiddled with my fingers, not sure what to do and noticed the faint black line on my wrist.

' Evening, beau! Miss me? ;) '

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя