Apologies and Intimidation || Chapter 33 ||

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Silence. My heart was beating so fast I thought it'd beat out of my chest. Adrien's grip on my hand was the only thing keeping me at the table. I just wanted to run and hide, though I knew I couldn't. My father watched with cautious eyes, just hoping that Marie wouldn't start an argument.

I watched her with scared, unblinking eyes as she folded her hands in her lap. I studied her face, watching every slight adjustment. She cleared her throat slightly and smiled softly at me. Wait, smiled?

"Sweetie, that's great" she said, completely shocking everyone at the table. This was a complete change in attitude. Dad and I had to stop mentioning soulmates as it would cause an argument, even me talking to mine had escalated and I was sent away for the night. I was not expecting such a calm and positive response.

I looked at her confused and speechless, not understanding why she wasn't yelling. She sighed and lent against the table, pushing her plate aside.

"I've never truly been against soulmates. I just didn't want you to get your hopes up, it doesn't always work out how you'd want it to." She tried explaining to me. She what? I blinked in response and looked at Adrien who looked just as confused as I was.

"That still gave you no right to treat her the way you did" Adrien said harshly, staring down my step-mother. My father pointed his fork in Adrien's direction, nodding his head in agreement. I shrunk down in my chair slightly, not wanting this to blow out.

"You're completely right, I had no reason to behave the way I did and I never apologised for it. And for that, I'm sorry Riva" she said sincerely, looking directly at me. I gave her a small nod in return, telling her I acknowledged her apology.

"You know, that didn't go anything like I expected it to" Adrien said, dragging me into my room. He sat down on my bed and I just stared at him still stunned by what just happened. She was so anti-soulmates the whole time she's been married to my father but now I found out it was all to help me? How did it help me? It just made me resent her.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing would come out. What could I say? That my whole view on that woman was turned upside down? That I wasn't sure if I actually knew her all that well? I furrowed my eyebrows and sat down next to him.

"Everything I knew about that woman is wrong" I said slowly, still wrapping my head around everything. I thought we had a mutual dislike for one another, but truthfully, it was completely one-sided.

Adrien put his hand on my thigh, offering me some support and I smiled thankfully at him. A loud bang caught our attention and we ran to the window, seeing a cloud of smoke. He opened his mouth and I cut him off by grabbing his arm and dragging him downstairs.

"Where are you going? There's just been an explosion" dad said, standing from the couch and placing his hands on his hips. I bit my lip, knowing that it probably wasn't the best idea to run towards an explosion but we had to.

"We have to help Alya with a documentary she's filming. It's urgent, Papa" I said, feeling horrible about lying to him. He looked doubtful but nodded his head, allowing us to go. I pushed Adrien out the door and we started running down the street before he pulled me into an alley.

"Where do you think you're going?" Adrien asked as he opened his pocket, allowing Plagg out. I opened my mouth but Adrien held his finger against my mouth.

"Actually, don't answer that. You aren't coming." He stated, telling me that he wasn't arguing on the matter. I pouted but nodded my head anyway. I wasn't a superhero, I had no business being there but I couldn't stop the feeling of wanting to help.

"Plagg, claws out" Adrien said, before transforming into Chat, right in front of me. He grinned cheekily and pecked me before running off. I rolled my eyes and sighed before leaving the alley about to head home. Although Alya had other ideas.

"Riva, girl. Come on!" she yelled, looping her arm with mine and running towards the one place Adrien didn't want me. I tried to stop her or to even pull my arm away but the strength this girl possessed was insane.

I finally managed to stop her and took a deep breath as she turned around to stare at me like I was crazy. I can't just go running into danger, I can't distract Chat like that. His job is to protect the people of Paris and I can't get in the way of that.

"Two times in one day, aren't I lucky?" I froze. This was the last person I wanted to see. Alya brought her camera up and started filming the girl behind me. I turned around and looked directly at the bruised nose.

I grimaced, knowing she'd have to be mad about that. She grinned that grin that sent shivers down your spine, the kind that made you want to sink into the ground and disappear.

"You have a nasty headbutt, I didn't particularly enjoy that but I'll give you a free pass. I like your fire" she said, highly amused. I watched her carefully as she circled me. Was she sizing me up?

"I hear you're close with Chat Noir" she stated. I rose an eyebrow. How did she know? Nobody really knew. Alya stepped forward and looked up at her.

"Not anymore" she stated, obviously not enjoying Mon Papillon's company. I pushed Alya back, whispering for her to go. But, of course she didn't listen. Mon Papillon just stared at her blankly before flicking her long auburn hair over her shoulder.

"I wasn't talking to you. Now, be a dear and run off. I don't think Riva wants you here" she said, amusement in her tone. Alya gave me a look before nodding and running in the direction of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Please, please don't tell them I'm in trouble.

I turned back to Mon, watching her carefully. Why is she so fascinated in me? Is it because I'm close with Chat?

"Now, a little butterfly told me that you and Chat Noir were close. If you know what I mean" She said suggestively. I opened my mouth, ready to object to the idea but she raised her hand, silencing me immediately. "I don't care for details lovely, I just want to know if you'll be of use" she continued.

Of use? What is she planning? I sighed and slumped my shoulders. I shook my head.

"Most likely not, Chat and I had a falling out" I lied, looking up at her. She smirked widely and stepped closer, intimidating me greatly. Her auburn hair fell between us and with a wink, she said.

"That's not what I saw in that little alley."

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now